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When Affordable Housing Is No Longer Affordable In Salisbury Maryland

While Salisbury Maryland is the capitol of Section 8 housing, get ready for a good 125% increase even in the crappy Moss Hill dwellings. 

Look, I’m all about supporting people in hard times but I’m more about getting back on your feet after a certain period of time. In this case I firmly believe our government wants to purposely keep you down with very little chance of springing back with pride.

Salisbury Maryland has more affordable housing units then anywhere else in the state. The new Downtown tower skyscraper is yet another poor example of planning. You’re hearing it here first people, what’s going to happen if there’s a major fire in the upper floors? Salisbury is not prepared for such a disaster and soon enough you’ll be spending millions in taxpayer money to buy additional ladder trucks as firefighters aren’t allowed too use an elevator in such situations and they have to run up all those stairs. Don’t give me that sprinkler crap either. Then you have to wonder, what’s that rent going to be?

Affordable Housing or Section 8 Housing, (whatever the Liberals want to call it these days) is no longer affordable and Moss Hill renovations is simply lipstick on a pig. Be very careful who you vote for, from local to presidential elections. People are already struggling to survive. 

31 thoughts on “When Affordable Housing Is No Longer Affordable In Salisbury Maryland”

  1. Its not just the government.
    Its employers and landlords,
    Its greed

    Local forestry company had an ad for an accounting job. He is paying the same wage he paid 15 years ago.
    Local non profit caring for the disabled cries poor, and pays low wages but has millions in endowment.
    Many local employers are crying poor while swimming in millions, offering a useless high deductible hmo and their employees are food insecure, working 2 jobs to keep a roof over their heads and cant afford to go to the doctor, but laughingly employers expect loyalty?

    Poverty rate, here, has risen to 32%
    Jobs here do not support the cost of rent
    Over 70% of the population rents here

    Your government should have spent more time promoting new business other than fast food / retail and less time on promoting poverty.

    Wasn’t Michelle Gregory s platform focused on bringing in more section 8 and not promoting new business ?
    Poverty begets poverty.

    Jake’s had a worn out speech about promoting home ownership, but we ended up with more section 8 and apts.

    From the outside it seems your local government is focused on handouts from the state, not creating a healthy prosperous community.

    1. Once again, if you build it(section 8 housing) they will come. What kind of community wants to draw that element into its jurisdiction? Salisbury I guess. Heroin,fentanyl, gun crime and bike lanes. The land of pleasant living.

      1. If things are so bad there, why doesn’t everybody move? I mean, there is no redeeming value at all there.

        1. Hard to imagine you are really that daft.

          The way society is set up, you need a job to rent or buy housing.
          To move, you have to move to where you have a job.
          You can’t rent unless you have an income, you can’t move unless you already have a job there. Then you have to strategize how to start work, without housing, and how to find housing and move for your new job..

          So to blanketedly imply that it is easy to move, find housing and work, is sorta ignorant.

          I have no income, but plenty of money to pay rent, yet none of the management companies here will entertain my application, because they are too stupid to realize that money isn’t an issue for me. They are so steeped in their narrow boxes, they can’t think out of it. I got past this ignorant hurdle 15 years ago, by renting off a family acquaintance. But that was before the city put in place the, management company requirement, and screwed 70% of the population here.

          1. We have enough vacant, boarded up and neglected houses in Salisbury. The city inspectors can’t see the blight this city already is. Take care of properties already here instead of worrying about affordable housing. Propertues below the border look better than here. Is anyone ever going to check out 313 Washington before it falls into the street?

  2. Why don’t you all face it Fake Jake killed everything this town used to have 2 terms with him thanks to college students who didn’t know what they were voting for other than a drinking, drugged buddy. It will take someone older and wiser in the next election to put us back on track and that also goes for that Governor Hogan another failure. We haven’t had a good governor since Roy Dyson and a good mayor since Barrie Tilghman. And we need people back on the city council like Terry Cohen and Debbie Campbell. Think with your heads when you vote people check them out on their records and what they stand for.

      1. You are correct

        $ 14.00 / hr = $2,240.00 (before taxes)
        deduct another 26% (at least) and you get around $ 1,660.00 per month after taxes

        This is not your utilities, groceries, health insurance, car insurance / car payment or anything else. I have seen 1 bedroom rentals going from $ 875 – 1,200.00 per month

        Hope you got a bike to ride, a first aid kit and like Ooodles of Noodles

  3. Starting to wonder who’s buying all these homes, townhomes, going up everywhere. Black rock and these big groups are buying up the houses and etc then renting them out so high your average people can’t afford. The groups include banks , realtors, and so many more. They are benefiting from all this shit.

  4. I really don’t feel sorry for any of you complaining about what Salisbury has become. You continue to elect people like Cannon that literally makes millions in government subsidies just like his crooked daddy did. You’ve let the fox in the hen house and now 50 years later you’re just starting to realize it? Jake Day used you to further his political aspirations and dropped you like a bad habit. There is a group of white liberals in Salisbury that sit back and reep all the rewards and could give two shi** about the white middle class they are destroying. You have been sold out by your own people and continue to praise and worship people like Jake Day or the biggest snake in Salisbury the likes of Cannon, or Mike Dunn, or the gilliss’. I went to high school and worked in Salisbury Maryland for 30 years and saw the writing on the wall moved down to Alabama built myself a brand new 2000 square foot home for less than 250,000 living like a king. The same home in your shi*hole of a city would have cost me over 400,000. You tell me why that is? The people down here are for the most part good southern Christian people and the hospitality is everything they said it was. Like everywhere you have your white trash drug fiends that the government is destroying with their ridiculous open borders, the very same political mindset that runs Salisbury government. It’s nice to be around like minded people that believe the answer is hard work good Christian values not this boys can be girls girls can be boys everyone is a victim and the rich white democratic racism promoters are no where to be found. Both black and whites here don’t buy into the mental illness political agenda that the rest of you just sit back and accept as normal.

  5. Jobs / Employers are going to have to cough up more money $$$ for wages to keep up with INFLATION !!!!!

  6. Writings on the wall started way back with the development of the Route 50 bypass. MD Gov said I’m tired of Salisbury, we are building a bypass so folks get to OC faster.

    That eventually killed the downtown area business sector. North on 13 mall ghost town. Route 50 Business through Salisbury – ghost town – merchants left.

    That was decades ago. What did local officials do?

    Believe we know the answer.

  7. Wake up people and vote these democrats and good old boys out of office. They all have special interest in making money off of properties and it not about helping you.

    1. NOOOO don’t go there. They will steal from you, leaving you worse off and STILL receive a degree!

      Its part of their genome!

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