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Hey, guess what — World War I is over! Get used to it! We no longer need to conserve that new-fangled stuff called electricity so we can defeat the Kaiser.

It just so happens that the semi-annual time-shift currently imposed on all but two of the United States is much more disruptive than the effects of jetlag. When traveling into another time zone, the sun still rises and sets at the same local time as before. When the clocks are changed, however, the visual cues that affect one’s circadian rhythms are not changed. So why do we keep doing this?

There is overwhelming political support for abolishing the time shift. Most folks favor staying in daylight savings throughout the year. While staying in standard time is a close runner-up. Bottom line: making us change our clocks twice a year is totally unpopular. And yet our political professionals seem to have punted on the issue… ostensibly because they couldn’t achieve a consensus as to whether to make daylight savings or standard time the one to be permanent. A simple coin toss could have solved this problem.

Why bring this up now? It just so happens that we must lurch back into standard time just two days before the official date of this year’s election. It may seem that springing forward could be more disruptive than falling back, but there’s still a serious impact from the one hour back-shift. Early voting may take away some of the impact…but most of the tabulating of the election’s results and all of the “news” reporting on it will definitely occur after the befuddling time shift happens.

Although, at least to me, it seems that setting the clocks ahead has more negative impact than setting them back. But compiled statistics show that both changes accompany similar increases in heart attacks. Shift workers in particular are already seriously stressed over their daily sleep-work schedules. It would only make sense for them to be especially impacted by this nonsensical tinkering.

That we are still compelled to go through with such a major inconvenience is nothing more than a throbbing example of negligent tyranny — government needlessly harming its citizens due to its lack of serious concern. This is especially obnoxious since no compelling reason for doing this damage still exists. It is, of course, true that the days naturally keep getting shorter anyhow. That will always continue until just before Christmas — which has been happening since long before the beginning of time. Screwing with clock settings doesn’t change that — it just puts a lot more groggy drivers on the roads during the morning commute.

I suspect that the pullers of the levers of power are disregarding this glaring example of the government not going out of its way to avoid harming its citizens. Why? As usual, they think that they can get away with it. After all, we’ll get a whole weekend to adjust. Whoopie!

Until about the mid-1800s, timekeeping was mostly done at a local level — hence the continuing use back then of sun dials even though reliable mechanical clocks were becoming fairly common. Governments started getting seriously involved in standardizing time once railroads became a common conveyance that allowed people to quickly move across meridians of longitude. For railroads to operate on a specific schedule, time had to be standardized across a defined swath, east to west. We now call these Time Zones.

In his book Sapiens, Israeli neo-Marxist Yuval Noah Hariri has a particularly interesting segment on the formalization of time. It was yet another way the world was changed… largely due to technology. Bottom line: “Official” time is a fairly new concept. Daylight savings is a little over a hundred years old.


A critically-ill Colorado man is stuck in a hospital in Denmark after catching a super virus while on vacation on a cruise in Europe, according to his family.

Guy Matlock, 64, became severely ill while celebrating his 37th wedding anniversary on a northern European cruise last month with his wife Adrien.

His daughter Moriah told KDVR that six days into the 14-day cruise, Guy started feeling flu-like symptoms that quickly turned into a more serious medical emergency.

‘They pulled into port as soon as possible… They found that he had flu A, pneumonia and sepsis, essentially turned into a super virus within his body and started attacking his major organs,’ Moriah said of the ordeal.


What the heck is wrong with Kamala Harris?

Why can’t she answer simple questions and why does she seem to only be able to speak in talking points?

Her latest talking point is something else. She previewed a bit of it in a comment that she made on Saturday claiming that former President Donald Trump was “lacking in transparency,” claiming he hadn’t released his medical records, he didn’t go on “60 Minutes,” and he didn’t want to debate her again.

But as I noted that was all nonsense. He had released a letter from his doctor. He has done all kinds of interviews, far more than her, and with non-friendly outlets. He offered her another debate on Fox, she’s the one who turned that down. Meanwhile, “60 Minutes” is in the middle of a scandal because they edited what she said, eliminating at least some of her word salad, and aren’t speaking up about it or providing the full transcript to be transparent about the interview and whether anything else had been changed. As we noted, she was also ducking a “Time” interview, meanwhile Trump did a 90 minute interview with them.

So she has no legs at all to stand on, when it comes to transparency.

She dove even further into delusion on it with what she said in Greenville, North Carolina, on Sunday where she claimed that his staff wanted him to hide him away.

‘If you’re paying even the slightest bit of attention, you’ll notice the old guard is actively sabotaging her.’

Republicans certainly have been making note recently of key statements by senior leaders in the Democratic Party that have been viewed as undermining the campaign of Kamala Harris. They’ve even been using them in ads promoting former President Donald Trump’s campaign, sometimes including nothing more than a statement by a Democrat, and Trump’s confirmation that he approved the message.

It’s those with the Biden name, the Clinton name, and others, who have been unleashing startlingly anti-Harris comments recently.

And now former House Speaker Newt Gingrich has put into words what he believes is going on:

He explains, “We’re in the early stages of watching her collapse. … It’s just my hunch … that sometime in the last two weeks, Joe and Jill looked at each other and thought, you know, wouldn’t it be a great legacy if Joe’s the only guy ever to beat Trump? And I think the stuff he’s done to undermine her in the last ten days is pretty amazing.”


Since the start of the 21st century, America’s defense spending has soared nearly 50%, with this year’s budget surpassing $841 billion. Yet, despite being the world’s largest military spender, the Pentagon alarmingly struggles to protect the homeland against the rising threat of spy drones operating within US borders.

A new Wall Street Journal report said a fleet of spy drones swarmed some of America’s most sensitive national-security sites, including Langley Air Force Base on Virginia’s shoreline late last year.

For several nights, military personnel had reported a mysterious breach of restricted airspace over a stretch of land that has one of the largest concentrations of national-security facilities in the US. The show usually starts 45 minutes to an hour after sunset, another senior leader told Kelly.

The first drone arrived shortly. Kelly, a career fighter pilot, estimated it was roughly 20 feet long and flying at more than 100 miles an hour, at an altitude of roughly 3,000 to 4,000 feet. Other drones followed, one by one, sounding in the distance like a parade of lawn mowers.

The drones headed south, across Chesapeake Bay, toward Norfolk, Va., and over an area that includes the home base for the Navy’s SEAL Team Six and Naval Station Norfolk, the world’s largest naval port. -WSJ

US Air Force Gen. Mark Kelly told the Journal that he was stumped by reports of spy drones over Langley AFB. The Journal said the drones flew around the base and other highly sensitive military installations in the region at night for a little more than two weeks. Some officials suspected Russian or Chinese agents were conducting aerial spy operations.

Kelly said some drones were roughly 20 feet long and flew more than 100 mph at 3,000 to 4,000 feet altitude. None of these drones were shot down because federal law prohibits the military from dispatching F-22s, F-35s, and other fighter jets to neutralize drones for ‘aerial snooping’ – unless these unmanned systems posed an ‘imminent threat.’


Dr. Stefan Weber, an internationally famous “plagiarism hunter,” has discovered that Kamala Harris “plagiarized at least a dozen sections of her criminal justice book, Smart on Crime,” Christopher Rufo reports.

The 2009 work of non-fiction, co-authored with Joan O’C Hamilton was, per Wikipedia, “[f]irst published as Harris (then the San Francisco district attorney) was beginning her 2010 campaign for California Attorney General” and “outlines her vision of how the criminal justice system should function.“

In his summary of findings, Dr. Weber writes, “Kamala Harris copied virtually an entire Wikipedia article into her book without providing attribution to Wikipedia.”


We’ve hit that point in the campaign where the momentum is with President Donald Trump and it must be driving Kamala Harris and the Democrats mad.

We’ve seen them drag out both Barack Obama and Bill Clinton. Neither pitch went well. When Obama is admitting there isn’t the same enthusiasm for Harris and accusing black men of being sexist for not wanting to vote for her, they could have a problem. Then on top of that, Clinton admitted that Laken Riley was killed allegedly by an illegal alien because he wasn’t properly vetted. But he was let in under Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. So that was an indictment of Harris.

Then Harris spread a despicable lie about Trump freezing up and appearing lost because he stopped his event to get help for two people who had medical emergencies. She got nailed for that by the Trump team and even ABC debunked this by laying out the facts.

That’s pretty off the rails. But she went even more off the tracks during an event Monday in Pennsylvania.

It’s such a bizarre pitch that they’re going with about “turning the page” and a “new way forward” when she’s the one in office.


On track to post Democrats’ worst presidential-election performance with blacks in 64 years, a desperate Kamala Harris smashed the vote-buying button on Monday, proposing an “Opportunity Agenda” for black men that includes dishing out one million “forgivable loans” at $20,000 each. 

The loans would be offered to black entrepreneurs “in partnership with trusted organizations like mission-driven lenders and banks with a proven commitment to their communities,” the Harris-Walz campaign said. If these “forgivable loans” are anything like the ones dished out to businesses during the madness of Covid stimulus, they’ll be loans in name only — meaning this is just a blatant wealth redistribution scheme aimed at buying black votes.

Unsurprisingly, the campaign provided few details about the program’s requirements — such as just how black one will need to be to qualify:

The pledge comically evidences Harris’ generationally-terrible poll numbers among blacks. Consider that, in 2012, President Obama owned the black vote by an 85-point margin. Today, Harris is up by just 54 points. The numbers are even worse among black men age 18 to 45: Obama won by 81, and Harris is up 41. Among all black men and women, Harris is poised to have the lowest share of the black vote since John F. Kennedy faced Richard Nixon in 1960.


Two men who were shot during the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump are accusing the Secret Service of “negligence.”

Jim Copenhaver, 74, and David Dutch, 57, told NBC News they believe the Secret Service and other law enforcement officials were negligent in their duty to protect Trump as well as civilians. Both men were critically injured at the Butler, Pennsylvania, rally in July.

“I believe there was 100% negligence on the Secret Service, probably everybody involved in setting that security, down to inter-department communications,” Dutch said. “The negligence was vast. It was terrible.”

“I’m sure there was negligence. It wouldn’t have happened, had it been secure,” Copenhaver said.

Dutch said the Secret Service failed “big time” at protecting himself and the former president. Copenhaver was shot in both the triceps and abdomen, and Dutch was hit by a bullet in his liver.

“It was like getting hit with a sledgehammer right in the chest,” Dutch said.

Copenhaver said he didn’t realize what was happening until he saw part of his shirt blow away.

“I turned around to my friend, and I said, ‘I think I was shot,’ and that’s when I got the second one, and then, I went down,” Copenhaver said, telling the outlet that he had collapsed onto the bleachers and could not stand up.

Both men told NBC that the incident left them with health problems. Copenhaver said he lost 30 pounds and now needs a cane to walk. Dutch said he lost 25 pounds and cannot drive or lift more than 10 pounds.

Another rallygoer, Corey Comperatore, was killed at the rally. Trump’s ear was wounded in the incident.

The assassination attempt this summer sounded the alarm surrounding security failures that allowed the gunman to shoot Trump. Kimberly Cheatle, who was then the director of the Secret Service, stepped down following calls for her resignation.


The publisher of a 2009 book by now-Vice President Kamala Harris that has been cited for plagiarism is in “damage control mode,” according to a conservative activist who publicized the plagiarism on social media.

On Monday, conservative activist Christopher Rufo posted excerpts of “Smart on Crime: A Career Prosecutor’s Plan to Make Us Safer,” that was co-authored with Joan O’C Hamilton. Rufo used the excerpts to document instances of plagiarism.

All told, Austrian professor Stefan Weber, found 27 instances of plagiarism, according to Fox News.

All of which has Chronicle Books, which published the book, in a tizzy, Rufo wrote in a post on X.

A new plagiarism allegation has been raised against Vice President Kamala Harris as the efforts of The New York Times to support Harris have widened that controversy.

On Monday, conservative activist Christopher Rufo posted five allegations of plagiarism from her 2009 book, “Smart on Crime: A Career Prosecutor’s Plan to Make Us Safer,” which was co-authored with Joan O’C Hamilton.

The New York Times then filed a report that rose to Harris’s defense, writing that “none of the passages in question took the ideas or thoughts of another writer, which is considered the most serious form of plagiarism. Instead, the sentences copy descriptions of programs or statistical information that appear elsewhere.”

Since then, Rufo has fired back with more excerpts. “We can keep this going for a while,” he posted on X, adding, “She copied the language verbatim.”

The latest effort of Vice President Kamala Harris to attack former President Donald Trump as somehow “hiding away” from the public is so silly, it’s hard to believe that her campaign would run with that. Trump is all over the place, doing all kinds of interviews and far more than her.

But she is desperate as the numbers seem to be running in Trump’s direction. She’s down to telling despicable lies and getting nailed on them, such as spreading the false story that Trump froze during an event and was confused, when he stopped because there were two medical emergencies. Even ABC debunked the false story and described how well Trump handled the situation.

Trump is just killing it in multiple interviews. The “Flagrant” podcast he did, for example. was a great interview because showed his humanity and great sense of humor.

But the interview he did on Tuesday with Bloomberg editor-in-chief John Micklethwait before the Economic Club of Chicago showed off his economic chops. He just kept dropping facts on the hostile interviewer and the audience of business people loved it, judging by the reaction.

Trump pointed out how the Republican Party was the party of common sense.

As we’ve noted, Kamala Harris is getting desperate as her campaign is imploding.

So she’s resorting to more and more desperate measures. Her latest move is to try to claim that former President Donald Trump is somehow “weak and unstable,” which is incredible and ridiculous, given the coverup that she has been involved in regarding Joe Biden.

On Monday, Trump had a town hall event in Pennsylvania. He dinged Harris on her failures over immigration and inflation. He also answered a variety of questions, including from a Gold Star father to whom he promised he would look into the crash that killed 17 Navy SEALs.

Then, there were two medical emergencies. So Trump stopped the questions and played music while the people were receiving attention.

But this was the lie Harris and her campaign put out in response to the situation. They were the ones putting out “misinformation,” editing out context and claiming that Trump stopped and was “lost and confused.”

Trump official Dan Scavino nailed them for that.


This article originally appeared on Leo Hohmann’s Substack and was republished with permission.

A video clip has resurfaced from May of 2019 in which Kamala Harris fantasizes about weaponizing the DOJ against speech the government doesn’t like, and the platforms that allow it.

In the meantime, one month before a tense presidential election, the U.S. Department of Defense has authorized U.S. military “defense intelligence components” to use “lethal force” against American citizens if requested by state or local law enforcement in an emergency situation. More on this in a minute, but first let’s get to the May 2019 video showing Kamala Harris unleashing her inner dictator.

Speaking at the annual NAACP ‘Fight for Freedom Fund’ dinner in Detroit, Harris threatened: “We will put the Department of Justice of the United States back in the business of justice. We will double the civil rights division, and direct Law Enforcement to counter this extremism.”


CBS News has really differentiated itself lately, and not in a good way. Fresh off an editing scandal involving “60 Minutes” and Vice President Kamala Harris, the left-wing broadcast network has now been caught red-handed deceptively editing an interview with House Speaker Mike Johnson.

Appearing with Margaret Brennan on Sunday, Johnson was asked about allegations that aid money was not being effectively distributed in North Carolina following Hurricane Helene. In reality, he gave a detailed answer, including sharing what he had seen and been told on the ground. CBS News found that context inconvenient, though, and cut it out completely, leaving it to appear as if Johnson had offered no evidence for his claim. That wasn’t the only example either. “Face the Nation” did this multiple times throughout the interview.

Luckily, Johnson’s staff had a camera running on their end so they could prove what CBS News chose to cut out.

Here’s the edited version:

BRENNAN: So that’s a different accounting than this two percent that you say was distributed.

JOHNSON: Yeah, so they’ve obligated some funds, but they’ve only distributed two percent.

Here’s what was cut out:

BRENNAN: So that’s a different accounting than this two percent that you say was distributed.

JOHNSON: Yeah, so they’ve obligated some funds, but they’ve only distributed two percent, and when I was there on the ground, and you should go, bring the cameras and talk to those people there, and they’ll tell you, don’t take politicians’ words for this or the administration’s word, talk to people there on the ground. They have not been provided the resources almost two weeks out from the storm that they desperately needed.

When I was there, 13 days post the storm hitting that state, people were still being rescued. They’re stuck in the higher elevations and the mountains because the roads are down and all the rest. They need every available resource and all hands on deck, the rescue and recovery efforts still going on, and then we address the rest of it.


Lovely Kamala.

Kamala Harris kept hundreds of black men in prison longer than their release date so the state could have cheap labor. This photo is a collage of the black men she kept in bondage past their release date.

Kamala Harris kept hundreds of black men in prison past their release date so she could use these men for cheap California state labor at $2 per day.

That alone should have disqualified Kamala Harris from public office.
Extending prison sentences for cheap labor sounds like criminal activity!

In February 2019, Jackie Kucinich at The Daily Beast wrote about Kamala Harris’s Attorney General office keeping inmates locked up so the state could use them for cheap labor.

Just like slavers.


Pennsylvania Secretary of State Al Schmidt says to expect several days to count the ballots in the Keystone State.

Pennsylvania Secretary of State Al Schmidt told reporters to expect several days to process and count the ballots again this year.

Al Schmidt told the far left Washington Post that it will take days to decide the election in Pennsylvania.

Al Schmidt: “But, unlike most other states red and blue alike, we cannot begin our counties cannot begin processing mail-in ballots before seven AM on election morning. Plenty of other states again Republican states like Florida and others allow this process to begin in advance And what that means is in those states you know the male the male vote by around midnight on election night except for the ones that maybe came in that day or that evening. That’s not the case in Pennsylvania because the process cannot begin until seven AM on election morning. And it is acutely frustrating to have a technical problem with a technical solution that is nonpartisan nonpolitical does not benefit any candidate or any party and have Pennsylvania go through this in twenty twenty and that issue having not been addressed in the last four years by our legislature… Meaning that it can happen again.”

For the record, Al Schmidt is a Trump-hating RINO. He was chosen as Secretary of State by Democrat Governor Josh Shapiro.


A crazed woman viciously attacks a police officer before being fatally shot. (Credit: Fairfax County Police Department)

Shocking bodycam footage on Monday was released by the Fairfax County Police Department, showing the moment a woman was gunned down last month after attacking police.

As Fox 5 DC reported, crisis intervention-trained officer Peter Liu on September 16 went to 33-year-old Sydney Wilson’s apartment on Sunrise Valley Drive in Reston, a Northern Virginia suburb of Washington D.C. Wilson’s doctor had previously raised concerns about her mental health.

Police said that after Liu arrived on the scene, the hulking 6’5″ 330 pound Wilson opened her door but then shut it after briefly speaking with the officer. She emerged roughly 3 minutes later holding a knife and slashing the policeman in the face.

Wilson attacks Fairfax County police officer Peter Liu with a knife. (Credit: Fairfax County Police Department)

“Oh, Jesus Christ!” Liu exclaims.


Americans’ trust in the establishment media to report current events “fully, accurately and fairly” plummeted to a record low in 2024, Gallup polling found Monday.

The decline in trust indicates the media lost credibility due to pushing false narratives, such as Hunter Biden’s laptop story, Russian collusion, the source of the 2020 pandemic, the January 6 investigation, and numerous hoaxes:

As a result, only 31 percent of Americans have a “great deal” or “fair amount” of confidence in the media to tell the truth, one point below its low watermark of 32 percent in 2016 and 2023.



A new cancer treatment protocol involving repurposed drugs Ivermectin (commonly known as a ‘horse dewormer’), Fenbendazole (a ‘dog dewormer’), and Mebendazole has recently passed peer review and is being heralded as a potential breakthrough in cancer therapy.

According to the Public Library of Science (PLOS), a research protocol is a detailed study design or set of instructions for carrying out a specific experimental process or procedure.

The hybrid orthomolecular protocol, featured in the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine (Vol. 39.3), targets the mitochondrial-stem cell connection (MSCC), a key mechanism believed to drive cancer stem cells and tumor progression.

Dr. William Makis, a nuclear medicine physician and researcher specializing in multiple medical fields, including cancer and one of the first doctors to warn about the danger of the COVID shot, shared this news in a post on X.


Democrats notorious for accusing Republicans
of committing the exact crimes that they, them- selves are stone-cold guilty of

Both Donald Trump and JD Vance have been asked one question more than any other throughout the 2024 campaign season: Whether or not they would honor, and not impede, the transition of presidential power to the POTUS election victor.

Each time they have both replied that they certainly would do so … assuming there was not legitimate grounds for an investigation of outright election theft or rampant electoral fraud as there was concerning the 2020 election outcome.

Now we see the following flurry of headlines that have since appeared throughout both the mainstream and alternative media.  As subtitle states, the DEMs do precisely what they falsely accuse the GOP of doing EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK.


The Harris campaign’s decision to bring “degenerate” former President Bill Clinton back to the political stage is “absolutely unbelievable,” according to Clinton accuser Juanita Broaddrick, who called the 42nd president “the most prolific sexual abuser in history,” while insisting the move further undermines Vice President Kamala Harris’s platform as a defender of women.

In an exclusive interview with Breitbart News on Sunday, Broaddrick did not hold back when discussing Bill Clinton’s unexpected return to national politics as a surrogate for the Harris campaign.

Harris campaign spokesperson Ian Sams framed Clinton’s return as a throwback to his “comeback kid” days, emphasizing his ability to energize rural voters and reach regions crucial for the campaign.

Veteran Democratic strategist James Carville also expressed enthusiasm, citing Clinton’s knack for mobilizing support, particularly in areas where Harris has struggled to gain traction.

A recent CNN piece claimed that Clinton is aware that Trump supporters may bring up his wife and past scandals, but he’s “prepared for that and ready to argue that voters need to focus on the stakes in these final weeks.”


In a major win for election integrity, the Republican National Committee (RNC), the Michigan GOP, and Wayne County Republican leaders have successfully challenged the City of Detroit’s blatant disregard for state election laws.

This victory marks a crucial step toward ensuring fairness and transparency in Michigan’s electoral process, which was threatened by the city’s deliberate failure to hire a sufficient number of Republican poll workers.

The lawsuit, brought in August by the RNC, Michigan GOP, and Wayne County Republicans, exposed Detroit’s refusal to comply with Michigan law, which mandates a balanced hiring of election inspectors from both major political parties.

Instead, the city overwhelmingly favored Democratic poll workers, hiring an astonishing seven times more Democrats than Republicans. Out of 675 Republican nominees, only 52 were hired, compared to over 2,300 Democrats.



U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland is now suing Governor Glenn Youngkin of Virginia for having the temerity to remove unlawful voters from the election rolls.  In 2019, I made a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to my Virginia County Clerk of the Court on those rejected for Jury Duty.  The Jury Duty rolls, by Commonwealth of Virginia Law, harvest the names predominantly from the Voting Rolls.  There are 20 different reasons someone can be rejected from Jury Duty.

Doing basic math, there are three non-debatable categories where someone would be unlawful to be on the election roll.  Yet 6% of the names were rejected from Jury Duty because they were unlawfully on the election rolls.  Taking in other categories where there may be an issue with the lawful nature of the voter, applying a very low percentage of the total, the number of potential unlawful names on the rolls shot to 12% of the total on the Virginia Rolls being unlawful (again a very low, small “c” conservative percentage was applied).

One of the hard categories of illegality is not being a U.S. Citizen.  How could a non-U.S. Citizen be on the Virginia voter rolls?  For anyone who is not aware of it, 18USC611 “Voting by aliens”, makes it unequivocally clear that it is unlawful for a non-U.S. Citizen to vote.  Yet here we are, illegal aliens are on the election rolls in Virginia, and the current U.S. Attorney General is fighting against the lawful U.S. Citizen to keep unlawful voters on the rolls.

A Constitutional Showdown – which has precedence, 18USC611 or Motor Voter?

 It would have been wonderful if Attorney General Bill Barr had remembered 18USC611 in 2020.  There is gross ignorance by the self-appointed “election law experts” on Federal Laws in regard to the conduct of elections.  There are actually not that many Federal Laws on the conduct of elections.  There is the 1965 Civil Rights Act, 1993 Motor Voter (also known as The National Voter Registration Act), the 2002 Helping Americans Voter Act (HAVA), and 52USC207 Retention of Records.  But for some reason, 18USC611 is conveniently ignored, forgotten, or not known.  Some bring up the caveated possible exception of 18USC611 unless “(c)(3)the alien reasonably believed at the time of voting in violation of such subsection that he or she was a citizen of the United States.”  That would only apply if there was written guidance posted at the ports of entry where illegals are being brought in by the Biden Harris Team.


Remember when we all had to prove our citizenship to renew our driver’s licenses a few years back? This was a result of the federal Real ID Act of 2005. It basically provides that a state must verify that one is a U.S. citizen or is here legally before issuing a license. If a license is issued as compliant with the Real ID Act, there is a star in the upper right corner of the driver’s license (“DL”), and the DL can be used as a “federal ID” to board a commercial aircraft, for example.

There would be two DL databases, one for citizens and another for non-citizens. A non-citizen must prove the duration of their authorized presence here. If it is a one-year visa, then their license would expire when their visa expires. Since non-citizens may not vote in federal elections, common sense tells us that anyone on the non-citizen list should not be on a voter roll. Simply compare the two and strike anyone from the roll whose name is in the non-citizen database.

We can expect howls from the Left, which wants and needs non-citizens to vote illegally. They may cry that some people in those non-citizen DL databases may have gotten their citizenship at a later time. Fine. Compare the non-citizen database against the citizen database. If someone has since gotten their citizenship, they should have gotten a new license, and they would not be stricken. These database comparisons should take only a few seconds once programmed, and there is no reason not to run them right up until election day.

Regarding Virginia and the DoJ’s suit against it to prevent the state from removing non-citizens from their voting rolls, there would seem to be some compelling legal arguments against such effort, not to mention a truckload of common sense. Virginia follows the Real ID Act. Virginia also seems to provide for non-citizens to get a Driver Privilege Card, even if they cannot prove any legal presence in the U.S. Certainly, anyone in that database should be removed from voter rolls, as their voting would be a clear crime.

The current DoJ case against Virginia, and perhaps others, seems to rely on the National Voter Registration Act, which they contend prohibits voter rolls from being purged within 90 days of an election. This contention defies common sense, because ineligible voters could simply not register until 89 days before an election.

Further, there may well be a constitutional problem with the DoJ’s interpretation of the NVRA. Generally speaking, a law can be unconstitutional in two ways. It can be unconstitutional on its face, in which case the entire law must be held unconstitutional. The second possibility is that a law is unconstitutional in its particular application. While the former may well apply as it disregards a general constitutional prohibition on non-citizens voting, the as-applied challenge is obvious. As stated above, the law effectively attempts to open a window of time when the Constitution’s requirement of citizenship to vote can and would be ignored, both legally and logically. By analogy, would we allow police to force an otherwise illegal confession so long as it is within a time window provided by a mere statute?

Our Constitution is not subject to the whims of Congress in avoiding it, no matter how well-intentioned their motive. Actually, a similar argument might and should apply to the Motor Voter Laws and any other law that permits or encourages the registration of non-citizens.

One might argue, in Virginia or elsewhere, that anyone who interfered with preventing a potential crime such as illegal voting might themselves be guilty of various offenses, such as voting interference, suborning a crime, an accessory before the fact, conspiracy, etc. Any law that compels such illegal behavior of clerks and other officials surely must fall.

It is past time for those who fight to register non-citizens to vote and/or fight to prevent their removal from the voting rolls to justify their actions. Such justification must be on a legal basis, not an emotional basis or simply needing more dependent voters. To my knowledge, no such justification has been proposed.


Many Little Lies

The Democrats’ campaign against Donald Trump has been characterized by so many lies that it is impossible to respond to all of them.  The sheer volume of lies prevents observers from learning the truth about any of them.  A large number of lies makes any particular lie more credible.  But we must do our part to document the truth — if for no other reason than that it is the truth.

Democrat ads claim that Trump has proposed a “national sales tax” of $4,000 per household.  Trump has proposed no such thing.  When called on it, Democrats point to left-wing think-tanks that claim that prices will rise by $3,900 as a result of Trump’s proposed tariffs.  (That number is disputed among experts.)

A “national sales tax” is very different from the consequences of tariffs.  Tariffs exist now — even under the Biden administration.  Foreign countries impose crippling tariffs upon American products while subsidizing the products they send here.  Proposing to raise our own tariffs would provide leverage to negotiate the reduction of foreign tariffs.  The opening of foreign markets combined with reduction of foreign subsidized products in this country would provide a stimulus to American manufacturing.  The manufacture of new American products would tend to place downward pressure on prices while raising income and opportunity for employees.

This issue is vital to our economy.  The outcome will most likely be a negotiated deal.  But the political ads speak as if the federal government will add sales tax to consumer purchases (Harris uses the word “enact”), similar to state sales taxes.  Those two scenarios are as different as night and day.

Other ads refer to “Project 2025” as something created by Donald Trump.  None of the ads actually quotes language from any document.  Donald Trump has repudiated “Project 2025.”  The document contains 900 pages, and Democrats’ most specific allegation is that it proposes to abolish the federal Department of Education.  They make that allegation in the same breath with which they claim that Project 2025 will increase Donald Trump’s power.  On the contrary, eliminating federal departments would decrease the power of any president and the Executive Branch.  Education would then be returned to the states and would be decentralized.  President Reagan proposed abolishing the Department of Education when he was first elected.  Political considerations prevented such abolition then and ever since, despite the failure of that department and continuing decline in education results.

The same can be said of the allegation that Project 2025 will repeal what is left of Obamacare (referred to in the ads only as “The Affordable Care Act”).  This program has been unpopular since its inception.  It was enacted only because some senators were promised that their states would be exempt.  Following enactment, the Democrats lost both houses of Congress.  Portions were later repealed, but RINOs prevented outright repeal.  Outright repeal would not increase Trump’s power.  Were the federal government to remove itself from one seventh of the economy, the power of any president would  decrease.

One ad includes a statement from an alleged former Executive Branch employee.  She claims to have seen a draft of Project 2025 at the White House during Trump’s term.  This allegation makes no sense, as Trump was hoping at that time to win a second term that would now be expiring.  She does not explain why Trump would be drafting a project at that time that would be implemented only by his successor.


There’s a trend growing in the commonwealth of Virginia that indicates the Old Dominion might actually be in play for Donald Trump, which is very bad news indeed for Kamala Harris and the Democrat Party. If Democrats aren’t screaming “Assume crash positions!” right about now, they might want to think about starting.

Early voting in Virginia, which Democrats tends to dominate, began back on September 25, and Republicans seem to be turning out in far greater numbers than expected. As of Monday, October 14, 2024, the early voting/absentee ballot numbers looked something like this:

693,662 votes cast

Democrats: 52.8%

Republicans: 41.5%

Yes, Democrats still hold the advantage of total votes cast thus far, but Republican voters, who are known to shy away from early voting in favor of voting in person on Election Day, are closing the traditional gap in a big, big way. Experts would expect to see Democrats have around a 30 percent advantage at this point, but they only hold an 11.3 percent lead.


It was one week ago when “60 Minutes” broadcast its interview with the election hopefuls and Democratic disasters Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. After an initial flurry of mockery last Sunday morning, with the release of some teaser clips from the Harris interview, it was then noticed once the Monday primetime broadcast was shown that there had been some significant alterations to the presentation. Namely, on not one but two instances, the answers given by Harris to interviewer Bill Whitaker’s questions had been altered.

The accusations as to why were flying almost instantly, and for good reason. The interview was conducted on October 5 and recorded, then edited. But once the ridicule emerged over how incompetent Harris sounded, by the October 7 broadcast, her answers to the same questions shown in those Sunday clips were completely different, meaning they had been edited a second time. It looks like clear manipulation on the part of CBS News, but David Bauder – the national media correspondent for the Associated Press – is here to straighten out the matter for those of us not media savvy.

In a piece that could be sub-headed, “Why You Normies Just Don’t Get It,” Bauder invokes “Trump’s Complaints” in the headline to justify his defense of the “60 Minutes” hatchet job on its interview. He opens by rehashing that Trump ducked out of the same interview broadcast, before getting to the generalities of the issue. He sets it up as a premise that we, the common folk, cannot grasp.

For CBS News, it was considered part of the typical editing and cross-promotion process that takes place for a big interview. Yet to those unfamiliar with journalism and television production, the effect can be jarring.

That Bauder thinks it is a good look to explain that a news network caught characterizing divergent responses by a presidential candidate as a “typical” practice is just the start of the problems. He then offers up the explanation for the differences that came from the production.


Even Bubba gets it.

Former President Bill Clinton blamed the Harris-Biden administration for letting the migrant accused of killing Georgia nursing student Laken Riley into the US– after being tapped to shore up Democratic votes for the vice president in the swing state.

“You got a case in Georgia not very long ago, didn’t you — they made an ad about it — a young woman who had been killed by an immigrant,” Clinton said Sunday during a fish fry in Fort Valley, referring to the February murder of Riley, 22.

“Yeah, well, if they’d all been properly vetted that probably wouldn’t have happened,” the former president added.

Riley’s accused murderer is Jose Ibarra, a Venezuelan migrant who has ties to the dangerous Tren de Aragua (TdA) gang and entered America illegally in September 2022 — during Harris’ tenure as President Biden’s so-called “border czar” — along with his girlfriend and her 5-year-old son.


The proof of Tren de Aragua’s violence in Aurora, Colo., is written in blood.

A fed-up landlord in the Denver suburb has shared a bloody photo of one of its workers after the man was allegedly beaten to a pulp by members of the brutal Venezuelan prison gang for refusing to let them stay in a vacant apartment they had taken over.

The Brooklyn-based company claimed that the gang effectively stole entire apartment complexes out from under it by threatening employees and tried to extort it for a cut of the rent in exchange for being allowed to keep operating the properties.

An apartment-building employee is covered in blood after a brutal assault allegedly at the hands of the vicious Tren de Aragua gang in Aurora, Colo.X/Cbz Management

Local cops and the FBI were asked to help stop the extortion but refused to step in, CBZ Management said.


Kamala Harris proved once again Friday that she is in way beyond her depth, telling a crowd that the election is “packed with some stuff,” and then laughing inanely.

“So when we think about what’s at stake in this election…Whoa, it’s packed with some stuff!” Harris said, breaking into weird over the top laughter.

“It’s packed with some fundamental stuff! HA HA HA! I say rather articulately!” She then blathered.

Did her teleprompter break again?

Elsewhere during the speech, she claimed that Donald Trump is going to weaponise the DOJ against his political opponents.

Rings a bell.

She also bragged about her leadership skills and her ability to bring people together in her office, despite the fact that nearly everyone who has worked for her in the past four years has rage quit.


‘They offered an ultimatum: share rental income 50/50 or lose the buildings permanently. They also threatened to harm him and his family’

(Video screenshot)

A property management company in Colorado has gone online to deliver the truth about a war a Venezuelan gang has brought to its doorstep.

The issue arose some weeks ago, as gang members were caught on video in Aurora, Colorado, apparently taking over an apartment building, including collecting rent from tenants for apartments in a building they didn’t own.

It’s a direct result of the massive open door policy the Joe Biden-Kamala Harris regime has imposed on America at its southern border, with millions of immigrants, including a significant criminal element, entering the U.S. at will.


Conservatives now using the ‘community organizing model that Obama talked about in 2008,’ says Turning Point Action

WISCONSIN— One conservative group taking Wisconsin by storm is tapping a strategy previously emphasized by former President Barack Obama in order to win the 2024 presidential election for Republicans.

“It’s narrowing down our organizing to the ward and then mobilizing,” Turning Point Action National Enterprise Director Brett Galaszewski told Fox News Digital in an interview.

The group’s ballot-chase program involves “neighbors talking with other neighbors.”

He explained that there is more value in approaching people as their neighbor or someone they have a relationship with than as a stranger who may not be from the area.

“It’s the community organizing model that Obama talked about in 2008,” Galaszewski said. “You know, we laughed at Obama in 2008, as conservatives, when he said, ‘I’m a community organizer.'”

But that strategy, he said, is “going to make a huge difference here.”


Kamala Harris falls apart in her 60 Minutes interview on CBS with host Bill Whitaker. (Credit: 60 Minutes YouTube Screenshot)

The New York Times has confirmed a report on Monday that Kamala Harris had plagiarized part of a book she wrote before entering politics.

According to the conservative journalist and researcher Christopher Rufo, Harris plagiarized parts of her 2009 Smart on Crime: A Career Prosecutor’s Plan to Make Us Safer, which she co-authored witih writer Joan O’C Hamilton.

After his report went viral across the X platform, The New York Times looked into the matter and confirmed that she had indeed committed plagiarism.

However, they also made sure to cover her against any political damage by insisting that her crimes were not serious.


Florida’s Lake Placid Solar Power Plant suffered severe damage, leaving thousands without electricity.

In a devastating blow to the Democrat’s Green New Deal agenda, the solar panel farm at Lake Placid, Florida, was ripped apart by Hurricane Milton, exposing the inherent vulnerabilities of relying on so-called “green energy.”

The 380-acre Lake Placid Solar Power Plant, was meant to symbolize the future of energy, but after Hurricane Milton’s landfall, it now stands as a symbol of the failures of environmental utopianism.

The 45-megawatt (MW) plant consists of approximately 180,000 tracking solar panels.

This solar facility, touted for its ability to power over 12,000 homes at peak production, was ravaged by the storm’s extreme condition


Vice President Kamala Harris unveiled a new proposal Monday all but promising to distribute forgivable small business loans on the basis of race as she struggles to gain the support of black men.

The Harris campaign rolled out its “Opportunity Agenda for Black Men,” which proposes to give one million $20,000 loans to black entrepreneurs and “others who have historically faced barriers to starting a new business or growing an existing business.” The policy is aligned with the Biden administration’s broad effort to prioritize or otherwise incorporate race into several major government programs and initiatives, such as its payments to black American farmers who faced discrimination before 2021 and its Justice40 agenda stipulating that 40% of the benefits of certain environmental spending and programs flow to “disadvantaged communities.”

“Drawing on insights from her experience throughout her career and her Economic Opportunity Tour, today Vice President Harris is laying out an Opportunity Agenda for Black Men to provide them with the tools to achieve financial freedom, lower costs to better provide for themselves and their families, and protect their rights,” the Harris campaign wrote in its new plan. “This pathbreaking agenda includes: Providing 1 million loans that are fully forgivable to Black entrepreneurs and others to start a business.”


The two men seriously injured in the July 13 assassination attempt against former President Donald Trump accused the Secret Service of “negligence” Monday in their first public comments since the rally shooting.

James Copenhaver, 74, and David Dutch, 57, sustained critical wounds after they were both shot twice at the Butler, Pa., Trump rally, during which a bullet also grazed the former president’s ear.

Firefighter Corey Comperatore, 50, was killed as he shielded his family from the sniper’s shots.

“I believe there was 100% negligence on the Secret Service, probably everybody involved in setting that security, down to inter-department communications,” Dutch told reporter Tom Llamas on “NBC Nightly News.” “The negligence was vast. It was terrible.”


Neither Democratic Party elites nor their establishment-media minions have any idea how insufferable a majority of men find them.

Sunday on CNN, conservative commentator Scott Jennings tried to explain why, after years of foolishly alienating working-class American men, Vice President Kamala Harris and her fellow Democrats astonishingly lame recent efforts to woo male voters will fall flat.

CNN’s pro-Harris panelists, however, seemed not only uninterested in Jennings’s explanation but downright triggered by it.

“It was a rough week” for Harris, Jennings said in a clip posted to the social media platform X.

Indeed, thanks to a series of disastrous interviews last week, voters have finally seen the vice president’s myriad intellectual deficiencies.


As we reported, Vogue Magazine came out with a fawning cover Friday featuring Kamala Harris with the cringe headline, “KAMALA HARRIS, THE CANDIDATE FOR OUR TIMES.” She’s certainly a candidate of the times, but definitely not one for the times, as she has proven over and over.

Showing once again just how out of touch she is, Kamala sat for the photo shoot on Oct.7, the one-year anniversary of the savage Hamas terrorist attack on Israel. Seriously?

Meanwhile, as our Teri Christoph points out, the glamour puff-piece comes out even as bodies are still being recovered in the wake of Hurricanes Helene and Milton. This is leadership?

One of the paragraphs in the buttery article has a fellow named Scott Wiener—one of the most disturbing figures in California politics—praising Harris for her work as a San Francisco city attorney in the early 2000s:

“She was held in very high esteem in that office,” Scott Wiener, now a California state senator but then a junior lawyer with the city attorney, says.

Trust me, if you’re being praised by this sex-obsessed guy, you’re doing something very wrong. It also turns out that not everyone thought the team Harris was part of was worthy of being held in such “high esteem”:

Prominent black Trump booster Rob Smith has responded to the former president’s condescending screed over ‘brothas’ who are afraid to vote for Kamala Harris. In a now-viral reply, Smith tells Obama: “There is no amount of lecturing or bullying or shaming that you can do that is going to make me change that decision [to vote for Trump].



On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher stated that 2024 Democratic presidential candidate Vice President Kamala Harris’ media blitz over the past week included a substantial number of interviews that took place on “places where I would say the ass is pre-kissed” such as Howard Stern’s SiriusXM show, CBS’s “The Late Show” with Stephen Colbert, and ABC’s “The View.”

Maher said, “I was mentioning in the monologue, there are some sobering statistics for the Democrats this week about the election, which is only a little over three weeks away. I’m taking this from Andrew Sullivan’s column. He says, at this point in 2020, Biden — with far fewer resources than Harris has — was ten points ahead of Trump and in 2016, Hillary was six up and she is only 2.6 up. Pennsylvania, Biden was up seven at this point, she’s up one. Michigan, Biden was up eight and she’s tied. … [I]t does not seem like she is closing the deal. This week, she did a media blitz of — she went on Howard Stern and Stephen Colbert and ‘The View’, places where I would say the ass is pre-kissed. Am I wrong? Did that help or hurt?”


Why would the Department of Homeland Security be so concerned about Tim Walz’s China ties that his name repeatedly comes up in internal communications and classified documents?

According to Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.), chairman of the US House Committee on Oversight and Accountability, whistleblowers have revealed “serious concerns among DHS personnel regarding a longstanding connection between the Chinese Communist Party and Minnesota Governor Timothy James Walz.”

Those concerns could not be more obvious to me, a China hand of long-standing: Tim Walz has long had a special relationship with the CCP.

It’s all there in his record: The initial approach, the flattery, the joint venture, the academic appointment, the paid trips and lectures. The whole process is called “elite capture.”

And it’s designed to bring foreigners of influence into China’s powerful orbit.


Scratch a Democrat and find a racist. As Kamala Harris travels the country, going from one ass-kissing interview to another, the rest of the Democratic Party establishment is starting to worry. You can’t polish a turd, but you can distract from the fact that it is a turd…but only for a while. Sooner or later, the emperor has no clothes, the sheep runs out of wool, and you’re left standing there with a turd. That’s where the Democrats are now.

The thing about Kamala Harris is the more people see her, the less they like her. She almost lost her first race for Attorney General of California…to a Republican; she was so bad as a candidate. She wins in a walk, at least in California, when she has a horrible opponent.

After announcing her run for president in 2019, Harris polled very well and raised a ton of money. Then, people saw her on the campaign trail and heard her in interviews. Support for her collapsed to the point that she had to quit the race before a single vote was cast. Her polling as Vice President tracks right along with this – when she was made Border Czar (and she was, everyone knows it) and put in charge of voting rights (which seems to consist of mostly complaining about voter ID), people paid attention and did not like what they saw. Kamala Harris was less popular at the depths of Joe Biden’s unpopularity.

She made the perfect buffer for Biden: no matter how bad she looked, standing next to her, he looked better.

After the coup, she’s all they have. There is no plan B. And as much as Democrats love abortion at any point, a public one in the 720th month is too much even for them.

Since no conceivable case can be made FOR Kamala Harris – and they aren’t even trying, offering only as much detail as “We want to do good stuff” – they must find another way to motivate their voters. And that other way will not be charm or personality – no one wants to drink a Miller High Life with Kamala.

Enter the ex-presidents.






Today, I’m Not proud to be a Blue-Hen. Delawareans will have 3 options on the ballot when they cast their votes November 5th to elect Delaware’s next United States Senator, yet only 2 will be allowed on stage in the upcoming ‘Delaware Debates’ event October 16th, hosted by the University of Delaware.
The Independent Nominee, Dr. Mike Katz, MD, MBA, is unjustly silenced by being excluded from participation in the upcoming debate. ‘Dr. Mike’, as he is commonly referred to around the First State, is a former pediatric critical care anesthesiologist at A.I. DuPont Hospital for Children, former Delaware State Senator, and a successful business owner. He has garnered immense support statewide from Delawareans who are frustrated by the dysfunction in both parties, our broken healthcare system, and the corrupting influence of money over our government and elections.
Unlike typical federal politicians that are beholden to the big donors, corporate money, and special interests that fund their campaigns, Dr. Mike provides a breath of fresh air – not only because of his genuine spirit, impressive qualifications and broad expertise, but also because his refusal to accept financial donations for his campaign demonstrates his sincerity to fight for us in the U.S. Senate and rid the influence of money from our political system.
The ’Criterion for Candidate Inclusion’ for the debate, publicly available online, is systematically structured to make it easy for Democrats and Republicans to qualify, and incredibly difficult for anyone else. Especially someone who does not spend time fundraising for financial donations.
One such criteria for inclusion asks candidates to report “at least 2 campaign contributions per 1,000 residents of the constituency of $20 or more.” Considering this an applicable criterion for this situation is corrupt and absurd.
Other listed criteria overtly favor career politicians of the two-major parties, such as being the nominee of a party that received a minimum vote percentage in the prior gubernatorial, presidential, or senate elections.
The criteria regarding the ‘public opinion survey by an experienced pollster’ is asking for a poll that does not exist. The University’s own poll does not even meet the margin of error requirements. It is of small sample size (n=383), has a ‘cooperation rate’ of only 39.2%, and states “statistical results are weighted” using metrics such as ‘2020 presidential vote choice’ – an election which had no serious Independent contender.
Regardless of political affiliation, voters should have access to hear from all candidates on the ballot and be aware of all their options. Regardless of political affiliation, Americans feel the pain of having their voices unjustly silenced.
Voters can watch Dr. Mike’s campaign videos and learn more by visiting the Dr. Mike Katz Facebook page and his website,

He wanted it his way.

A Georgia sheriff was so ticked off when Burger King botched his order that he called for backup.

Cobb County Sheriff Craig Owens’ Whopper-sized beef with the fast food eatery was caught on newly released bodycam footage — which shows the top cop sending his deputies to the restaurant after the staff allegedly got his order wrong, according to a report by WSB-TV News.

Cobb County, Georgia, Sheriff Craig Owens called on his deputies for backup when Burger King got his order wrong.Cobb County Sheriff’s Office

Three deputies were dispatched to the scene — with lights flashing and sirens blaring.


Both the Harris-Walz presidential ticket and now lame-duck President Joe Biden keep insisting that they are Israel’s best friend.

A snarly Biden recently bragged at a contentious press conference, “No administration has helped Israel more than I have. None, none, none. And I think [Netanyahu] should remember that.”

Yet the thin-skinned and triggered Biden’s prickliness poorly hid — or perhaps revealed — the truth: This current administration knows that it is responsible for the current explosion of the Middle East and the particular dilemmas of Israel.

Biden further revealed his blame-gaming of the Israeli government when asked another loaded question about purported Netanyahu election interference, saying, “Whether he’s trying to influence the election, I don’t know.”


There was a special focus by GOP vice presidential nominee, Senator JD Vance (R-OH) at a campaign event in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, on Saturday; since it was held at a manufacturing company that supplies the U.S. military. He brought up not only the shoddy way the Biden-Harris administration’s Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has treated vets in the wake of the porous Southern border crisis, but that the botched U.S. troop withdrawal from Afghanistan remains a shameful and telling legacy of the sitting vice president’s ongoing negligence.

Vance spoke to supporters “at JWF Industries, which supplies “Department of Defense prime contractors with reliable, on-time fabrications and sub-assemblies,’ according to its site”.

He made a connection between the strength of the American industrial workforce and how our nation aided the Allied powers to win World War II:


This was bizarre.  SNL continued to pound Kamala and Joe Biden on their weekly comedy show this week.

This is something the state-run comedy show rarely does – attack corrupt, senile and bizarre Democrat politicians.

As Cullen Linebarger reported earlier – SNL brutally mocked Kamala Harris.

But what they are doing with Joe Biden is absolutely incredible for the far-left, typically stale weekend show.


Tim Walz fumbles around trying to load his gun during a hunting photo-op in Minnesota. (Credit: @shawnamizelle

Tampon Tim Walz’s little hunting photo-op has gotten worse. He is getting absolutely destroyed for the way he was caught handling his gun and is being compared to one infamous cartoon character.

As The Gateway Pundit reported earlier, MSNBC aired footage this morning of Walz allegedly going pheasant ‘hunting’ with his daughter and a group of influencers in Minnesota in what was a clear photo-op to appeal to rural Americans.

While the anchors gushed over the blatant pandering, a few problems became apparent. He was shown without a gun and a vest, two things that are important when going hunting.


J.D. Vance appears on “Face the Nation” and destroys host Martha Raddatz. (Credit: ABC News Screenshot)

Senator J.D. Vance (R-OH) put on yet another masterclass performance during the Sunday talk shows, once again proving why President Trump’s decision to select him as his running mate was a stroke of genius.

Vance appeared as a guest on ABC’s “This Week” this morning, and host Martha Raddatz immediately tried to ambush him on multiple topics. These included lying about Trump’s pointed comments related to the Harris-Biden regime’s Hurricane Helene response, spinning his remarks on the Venezuelan gangs taking over the country, abortion, and more.

But despite this significant hostility and gaslighting from Raddatz, Vance maintained his composure and swatted her aside. This was most notable when the issue of Venezuelan gangs in Aurora, Colorado, came up.

Raddatz told her audience Trump was lying about gangs taking over the city and attempted to cite laughable remarks by RINO Aurora mayor Mike Coffman to prove her point.


One of the most disgraceful Deep State and critical race theory enthusiasts is reportedly terrified he will pay a heavy price for deliberately sabotaging President Trump.

As The Guardian reported, retired Army general Mark Milley, who is infamous for wanting to understand “white rage” and throwing Trump under the bus, told author Bob Woodward that he is afraid Trump will recall him to uniform and court-martial him for his deceitful actions.

Milley allegedly bases his fear on Trump’s own words and those of former Trump White House strategist Steve Bannon. He also does not believe the “guardrails” will exist to stop Trump from fulfilling his promises.

He is a walking, talking advertisement of what he’s going to try to do,” Milley recently “warned former colleagues”, the veteran Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward writes in an upcoming book. “He’s saying it and it’s not just him, it’s the people around him.”


Maya Rudolph portrays Kamala Harris on “Saturday Night Live.” Credit: SNL YouTube Screenshot

Kamala Harris’s comedy of errors is causing even some of her most reliable allies to knife her in the back.

For weeks, far-left “Saturday Night Live” had coddled Harris like the rest of the corporate media because they wanted to see President Trump defeated once and for all. But this all changed last night during the show’s “Cold Open.”

The skit involved a parody of Steve Harvey’s famous Family Feud game show, which the show’s runners prepared as a response to Trump declining to do another debate against Harris. Long-time SNL regular Kenan Thompson starred as Steve Harvey, while Maya Rudolph and James Austin Johnson portrayed Harris and Trump, respectively.

During the introductions, Harvey takes a shot at Harris when he asks her how she is not winning easily despite raising a record-shattering amount of money and her recent campaign blitz. Harris responds that she screams into her pillow every morning, wondering the same thing.


With her campaign stumbles continuing, Kamala Harris has been desperately attempting to shore up traditionally Democrat-friendly voting demographics. On Thursday, that took the shape of her attending a town hall on Univision that supposedly placed her in front of “undecided Latino voters.” The truth of the matter is just a bit different, though.

As far as the event goes, it was typical in that Harris is one of the most inauthentic, overprocessed politicians ever to walk the face of the earth. Fake Spanish accent? She copped it. Word salad? She delivered it. Finger-wagging at a guy who was just hit by a hurricane? She delivered that as well.

But what if I told you that despite Harris finding a way to screw things up, the entire spectacle was rigged from the start? According to a new report, instead of the audience being filled with “undecided Latino voters,” the seats were actually filled by Harris supporters located by a company that specializes in casting calls.

But viewers at home would have been wholly unaware that this billing was false. As I discovered, having been granted the sacred opportunity to view the event from an adjacent room on the University of Nevada, Las Vegas campus, the carefully curated “town hall” audience was actually comprised of avowed Harris supporters.

“I already knew I was going to go for Kamala,” one town hall participant told me. “Part of the reason why I wanted to go was just, like, to also fully support her.”

“So you were already decided, before you came?” I asked another. “Yes,” she replied, declaring her support for Kamala.

The audience members I spoke to were selected with the help of a company called FansOnQ, according to the company’s founder, Conny Quintanilla, whose title for yesterday’s event was “Audience Manager.” The company puts out “casting calls” for events like the Latin Grammy Awards, which have been previously held in Las Vegas.


Bet you are feeling giddy Wisconsin is looking good for the Trumpsters and Kams is falling apart. Polls show Tammy Baldwin struggling.

Article after article about Dems “panicking!”

That my friends is political theater because we track not only the bogus ballots coming in to smoke Trump, we follow the NGOs who are going to do it.

And they ain’t panicking.

All the NGO community needed was for Kams and Tammy to keep it close – they would do the rest. Of course, sometimes there is pure dumb luck, like Trump putting in place people with no clue about ballot manufacturing – that was a unanticipated gift.

The RNC and Trump Campaign will spend millions of dollars to stop in-person voting fraud – which is far less than 5% of the 2024 fraud.

The RNC and Trumpsters will spend $0 to thwart the 95% of election fraud – mail-in ballot fraud from ineligible addresses – collected by NGOs and voted against Trump and every Republican senate candidate.


Former President Donald Trump criticized Vice President Kamala Harris for saying, “there is not a thing that comes to mind” that she would do differently.

During a rally in Coachella, California, Trump referenced comments Harris had made during an interview on ABC’s The View. During the interview, Harris was asked, “If anything, would you have done something differently than President Biden during the past four years?”

Harris responded by saying, “There is not a thing that comes to mind,” noting that she had “been part of most of the decisions that have had impact.”

“Kamala Harris said this week she can’t think of one thing, not one thing that she would do differently,” Trump told the crowd before playing a video that showed the Biden-Harris administration’s botched withdrawal from Afghanistan, which left 13 American service members dead.


Vice President Kamala Harris said off teleprompter on Friday “rather articulately” that the 2024 election is “packed with some stuff.”

The incident is Harris’s latest pronouncement ripped by critics as inarticulate and unpresidential.

“When we think about what’s at stake in this election – well it’s packed with some stuff! Some fundamental stuff! I say rather articulately,” she said at a campaign event in Scottsdale, Arizona:

The Democrat presidential nominee often rambles. She rambled and ignored concerns on Thursday during a Univision town hall about receiving exactly zero Democrat primary votes. “So, the question is how can you clarify this, this whole process and how you were elected [nominated]?” a voter asked.


Kamala Harris is not exactly the sharpest tool in the drawer, as she proved again on Saturday.

She made comments about releasing her medical records and then tried to attack former President Donald Trump over a “lack of transparency.” But in the process, she managed to step in it over her own issues.

“So you saw I released my medical records today, as has every candidate for President of the United States, except Donald Trump in this election cycle,” she said.

“It’s just a further example of his lack of transparency. That, on top of his unwillingness to debate again, his unwillingness to do an interview with “60 Minutes,” which again is part of the norm of what anyone running for president of the United States does. I think it’s obvious that his team at least does not want the American people to see everything about who he is.”

Now, that’s a statement that takes some kind of gall — and is all kinds of projection.

First, as my colleague Bob Hoge explained, Trump has released a letter from his doctor regarding his fitness as well as updates after he was shot. He jumped up after he was shot in the ear. I think that trumps anything she might have to say about his health.


Abortion, education, drugs and other social issues are some culprits

The expression goes, “a house divided against itself cannot stand.” Perhaps that’s why some family law attorneys are seeing a spike in divorces this election cycle.

A relatively new type of battle has emerged as politics becomes a fiercely divisive influence — one that pits spouses against each other, not over financial disputes or infidelity, but over the fraught terrain of ideological differences. With contention strengthening each election cycle, now partisan politics are increasingly cited as irreconcilable differences in relationships and are becoming central to co-parenting debates.

“I’m often hearing from my clients of the constant strife and differences in political viewpoints, a disagreement in how to parent or a major misalignment on the future direction of their children’s life. The parenting perspectives of liberal v. conservative, structured v. unstructured, and political beliefs do come out when dealing with co-parenting issues,” Yonatan Levoritz, a Washington, D.C.-based family attorney and founder of Levoritz Law Firm, said in a press release.

In a Monday interview with Fox News Digital, Levoritz noted a surge in separations rooted in political discord over the past three election cycles. He observed that as political ideologies grow further ingrained in societal values, polarizing issues such as abortion, drugs and sexuality are breaking down families.


Tensions are rising between President Joe Biden’s administration and Vice President Kamala Harris’s campaign, with Biden’s senior staffers being labeled as too “in their feelings” to fully support Harris after he was pushed out of the race, inside sources revealed to Axios.

Biden and Harris have struggled to remain on the same page since she announced that she would be taking his place at the top of the Democrat ticket in July, with Biden holding an impromptu press conference just as Harris was about to hold an event in Michigan on Friday, “ensuring” that she would get less live coverage.

Prior to that, Harris slammed Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) for declining her call about Hurricane Milton — which he denied receiving — just before Biden undercut her by praising DeSantis for being “gracious” and “cooperative,” Axios reported.

An inside source told the outlet that Biden had not been briefed on Harris’s jabs at the Republican governor when he made those comments.

On top of those public fumbles between the current administration and the campaign, a close Harris ally told the publication that senior Biden aides are not fully on board with supporting the new presidential ticket after feeling slighted.


On numerous occasions, Kamala Harris has spoken in public about the difference between equality and equity. Equality of opportunity is not enough. Even socialist equality, where everyone begins at the same level, falls short. She has repeatedly defined equity as her policy of redistribution, which allows everyone to end up at the same place. When criticizing the often-debated idea of equality, she stated that “the problem with that is that not everybody’s starting in the same place.” Equity, for her, is the solution. She said, “Equitable treatment means we all end up in the same place.”

Anyone who understands the complexity of the economy knows that this is a ludicrous concept. However, it may sound appealing to the uninformed. Those that feel they suffer a disadvantage due to their humble origins may find that equality of opportunity is not enough, considering the social and economic hardships they have endured. Nevertheless, those who find this message appealing should think twice, because those policies hurt them the most.

Starting and ending in the same place makes everyone poorer, except for those in government who decide how everyone should start and end. Those politicians become obscenely rich.

Starting out from the same place is unfair. Ending in the same place is catastrophic. Political imposition causes parents and families who have saved for their children to lose all their hard-earned savings when they start over. You may think that the government will give each child what they need. However, when you grant a government sufficient power to provide for your needs, it also determines what your actual needs are. By destroying the incentives to save and prosper, you also destroy the wealth created to conduct social policies. However, when the government can impose equal starting points and outcome measures, it has all the incentives to keep as much wealth as possible among the political elite. As wealth and prosperity decline, all the government will redistribute is misery.


The Referendum

Former president Barack Obama, the man who salvaged Joe Biden from the ash heap of political history (an unfortunate move which in turn sadly revived Kamala Harris’ DOA career), continued with his unifying ways Thursday by shaming black men who don’t think that Harris is a great choice for commander-in-chief.

It reminded me of Joe’s infamous line, if you don’t vote for me, then “you ain’t black.” Obama:

And you’re coming up with all kinds of reasons and excuses, I’ve got a problem with that.

Because part of it makes me think — and I’m speaking to men directly — part of it makes me think that, well, you just aren’t feeling the idea of having a woman as president, and you’re coming up with other alternatives and other reasons for that…

That’s not acceptable. 

He sounds like a mob boss.

Just disgusting, divisive rhetoric from the man who said in his first acceptance speech, “We have never been a collection of red states and blue states; we are, and always will be, the United States of America.”

Unless you disagree with him, of course.

I’ve always hated the left’s use of the word “community.” The “black community,” the “LGBTQ community.” As if, just because people have one thing in common, they all have the same viewpoints on everything. Is there a “white community?” A “heterosexual community?”

Sure enough, it turns out that plenty of blacks were capable of their own thoughts and found the former president’s remarks to be belittling and deeply obnoxious. Former football great and one-time Georgia Senate candidate Herschel Walker was less than impressed, calling it a step backward:


Former Georgia candidate for U.S. Senate Herschel Walker blasted Barack Obama for sending black people backward in equality by demanding they vote based on skin color.

Walker’s slam against Obama came after the former president warned that not enough black people — especially black men — are supporting Harris, according to the current polls.

“Barack Obama, you forgot how hard we fought for our right to vote! Telling us how to vote based on color is a step backward. The bad policies of Biden/Harris have hurt us all. We need unity brother, not division!” Walker wrote, adding #Togetherwestand.

Obama’s comments followed a September 30 Pew Research poll that found only 84 percent of black people said they were planning to vote for Kamala Harris for president, while 13 percent said they were backing Trump. By contrast, Joe Biden won 92 percent of the black vote in 2020.


During his interview with Vice President Kamala Harris, right, for "60 Minutes" Bill Whitaker, left, pressed Harris on why she alienated millions of Americans.
Kamala Harris (right) sits for “60 Minutes” interview with Bill Whitaker, (left)

President Trump on Thursday issued a scathing rebuke against CBS and the network’s ’60 Minutes’ program after they were busted deceiving the public with a fraudulent edit of Kamala Harris’s recent interview.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, ’60 Minutes’ cut Kamala’s nonsensical answer to a question and replaced it with a completely separate sentence she said earlier in the interview. This is fraud and election interference.




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