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Illegal Immigration Costs American Households Hundreds Of Billions Annually

Illegal immigration weighs heavily on the wallets of hardworking American taxpayers – to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars annually.

Still, the Biden administration turns a blind eye to these fiscal strains, neglecting the toll on our economy, the structural integrity of our nation, and the safety of our citizens.

Estimates suggest that illegal immigrants cost each household about $1,000, adding up to more than $120 billion a year.

Sources such as Newsweek hint that the true cost may be even higher, possibly reaching $150 billion annually, an amount shared by both federal and state governments. In all actuality, the financial impact could be much worse.

The situation continues to deteriorate by the day. Just this past December, Border Patrol recorded 249,785 arrests along the Mexican border, a 31 percent spike from November 2023 and a 13 percent surge from the December 2022 record.

Since President Joe Biden’s inauguration and the adoption of his open borders approach, more than 7.2 million illegal immigrants have streamed into the United States through the southern border, a number surpassing the population of 36 states.

Some estimate that number to be nearer to 10 million. The lawlessness makes it impossible to keep an accurate count.

The repercussions of illegal immigration cast long shadows over various aspects of our society, from heightened crime rates to suppressed wages to the depletion of taxpayer resources. Public services face strain, with illegal immigrants accessing emergency health care, enrolling their children in public schools, and tapping into social welfare programs. Some argue their willingness to accept lower wages drives down earnings, leading to reduced tax revenues and increased reliance on social welfare programs among low-wage workers, citizens, and legal residents alike. Even our property tax is paying for illegal immigrants. This generational problem demands pragmatic consideration and competent leadership.

To exacerbate matters, if illegal immigrants operate solely within cash transactions, much of their income goes undocumented.


5 thoughts on “Illegal Immigration Costs American Households Hundreds Of Billions Annually”

  1. That is the whole point so they can raise more taxes on you and take more of your money so you are more broke and dependent on the gov’t. Plus they will be used to replace you the voter. But again you all don’t care, but will when your life is affected by this, and it will very very soon!

    1. No way 3:52, we’re already paying enough taxes to protect the border. The problem isn”t money, the problem is political.

  2. No way 3:52, we’re already paying enough taxes to protect the border. The problem isn”t money, the problem is political.

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