A video went viral on social media Wednesday of teachers sounding the alarm about Gen Alpha, the next generation of American children.
Gen Alpha is the generation behind Gen Z, making up the youngest generation on the planet right now. And they sound like absolute hellscapes of human beings, as far as the teachers in this one video are concerned. “Young Gen Z teachers are talking about the poor behavior of Gen Alpha students, and some of y’all are finally starting to believe us when it comes to how much we missed the mark on raising these kids right,” the video starts, featuring a clip from TikTok user “@Teresakayenewman.”
She notes that she’s only 36 years old and already has gray in her hair, so people don’t always listen to her. So instead of going on her own rant, she clipped together a series of videos of teachers talking about how awful your horrible children are.
Schools that are public, are nothing more than detention centers
Not really 9:23, no detention doled out in public schools
Actually there is nothing alpha about these children, omega would be a better term for the worthless bastards
Kids are a direct reflection of their parents. This is because effective parenting is hard work requiring consistency and structure. When you see kids carrying on, it is because their parents have failed them.
That’s what happens when kids don’t get an ass whooping when they get out of line. They run around thinking they can do and say whatever they want without repercussions. And then everyone wonders why they grow up to be criminals because they think the laws don’t apply to them. Be a parent not a friend.
Not really 9:23, no detention doled out in public schools