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Democrats Being Mugged by Reality: Is There Any Hope for a Return to Sanity?

Watching the news this morning has me thinking dark thoughts. My beloved nation seems to have fallen into the hands of lunatics and criminals. Thousands are marching in support of people who gang-rape young women and murder children and babies; our cities are beset with crime; our government has fallen into the hands of the corrupt. And so, once more I’m going to step into my self-appointed role as the stormy petrel of RedState.

There’s an old saying that goes, “A conservative is just a liberal who has been mugged.” It’s unclear, of course, to what extent something like a mugging can affect some of the deeply-seated misconceptions of the political left, there is some hope, though; more and more these days, Democrats and leftists in general are being mugged by reality. But will that be enough to overcome the cognitive dissonance of the left? Will it finally cause big-city voters to take a good, hard look at what is happening, and to consider that it may just be time for a change?

Some Democrats are waking up and noticing that the policies they’ve been cheerleading have produced violent crime waves, a massive migrant crisis, and genocidal antisemitism. One would hope the public at large is catching on as well.

Just over the past few weeks, we’ve seen a spate of headlines about lefty, soft-on-crime Democrats attacked on the mean streets they’ve helped create.

Here’s a summary of the mean streets of the nation’s capital:

For the record, crime in Democratic-controlled D.C. has been skyrocketing. So far this year:

  • Homicides are up 33%.
  • Robberies up 67%.
  • Motor vehicle theft has jumped 97%.

The same trends are happening around the country, as soft-on-crime leftists coddle criminals in the name of social justice. The public pays. Now, so are Democrats.


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