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What’s Really Making Many Americans Fat, Sick, Poor, and Stupid

International Man: Nearly half of Americans have at least one chronic condition—and that number is growing.

One in three Americans are either overweight or obese.

Why do you think so many Americans are overweight and sick?

Doug Casey: I don’t pretend to be a medical expert. But I can assure you that it’s better to be young, healthy, rich, and smart than old, sick, poor, and stupid.

It’s obvious that the latter increasingly defines Americans.

There’s no doubt that they have problems with weight and lack of exercise. This has been a problem for decades, but things really got out of control with the COVID scamdemic.

Not only were the gyms closed, but you could forget about even going for a walk in many places. You were supposed to stay in your apartment, wear a pathetic little paper mask, and huddle in a corner to hide from some crazy virus trying to hunt you down like a rat.

Americans were not only forced to put their lives on hold but couldn’t even get into a hospital or see a doctor to handle real medical conditions. I’ll guess that the average American gained 10 to 20 pounds of weight.

Weight is easy to gain but hard to lose in today’s America.

The excess deaths attributed to COVID, and a general degradation of health, were not due to COVID itself, however. COVID was just a severe flu that mostly affected old, fat, and sick people. In fact, government actions killed many more people than the vaunted plague, short term, and long term.

Everything that government touches degrades and degenerates. A good case can be made that government is at least partly responsible for the poor health of Americans. Perhaps it started with the invention of the so-called food pyramid.

Bureaucrats told Americans to consume lots of grains, usually in the form of sugary breakfast cereals and white bread. All of it is heavily processed. Fresh vegetables and fruits only played a minor part in the recommended American diet.

Lobbyists from major corporations found it much more profitable to promote convenience foods than fresh fruits and vegetables.

Before World War 2, the average American woman stayed at home to raise a family and manage the household, cooking meals from scratch. It was a full-time job. Women also acted as a backup system if the male, the main breadwinner, couldn’t work.

Now, however, most women work. They no longer have time to take care of the house and children and cook three edible meals a day for the family. This has given rise to convenience foods.

Convenience foods are processed, preserved, and pre-packaged. They’re very heavy in sugar, fat, salt, and processed carbs. Over hundreds of thousands of years of evolution, when starvation was the norm, these things were rare. Now they’re ubiquitous. But we’re genetically programmed to seek them out.


6 thoughts on “What’s Really Making Many Americans Fat, Sick, Poor, and Stupid”

  1. No gastrointestinal problems with wheat here, but when I avoid eating it (and it’s everywhere,) my joints aren’t inflamed and I lose a few pounds. Chronic inflammation caused by the foods we eat is slowly killing us. Thanks, FDA food pyramid!

    Big government kills – let us count the ways.

  2. The Shore itself was once famous for its varied agriculture for human consumption. Now it’s mostly feed crops. Things are coming back though.

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