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Freedom Caucus Says McCarthy Got Rolled on the Debt Ceiling and the Evidence Indicates They Are Right

Saturday night, President Joe Biden’s representative and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy agreed in principle on increasing the US debt ceiling by some $4 trillion over two years. This averted another “default crisis” that would have allegedly caused all kinds of nasty things to happen.

Speaker McCarthy was on Fox News Sunday this morning explaining the deal. The official line is that in return for a two-year debt ceiling increase, spending will be held flat in FY2024 and reduced in 2025.

Texas Representative and Freedom Caucus member Chip Roy sees the deal as 0.

The deal scraps $131 billion in cuts to return bureaucracy to pre-COVID levels in favor of keeping spending at the 2023 Omnibus spending bill. Work requirements are abandoned for Medicaid. Biden’s “Inflation Reduction Act,” which Goldman Sachs says costs $1.2 trillion, is retained. The REINS Act is abandoned. Biden’s unlawful student loan bailout is punted back to the courts. The IRS keeps its 87,000 new agents. You’ll hear about the $2 billion cut from the IRS this year, but that is from their proposed budget increase. It doesn’t cut that agency. The only bright light is that the deal claws back $29 billion in unspent COVID-19 baksheesh. Also, note that the two-year deal takes the debt ceiling off the table during an election year.


6 thoughts on “Freedom Caucus Says McCarthy Got Rolled on the Debt Ceiling and the Evidence Indicates They Are Right”

  1. Vote NO house…Vote NO and get your house straightened out.

    COMPROMISE – we don’t want any additional DEBT (5 TRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILLON) added.

  2. When Mccarthy won the top position he vowed to have Hunter behind bars and Biden out, he’s done hardly anything he promised and he had to have tons of help just getting Pelosi out. A lot of promises means he’s nothing but hot air when being inviewed but he has been a failure we thought things would be more balanced with him at the top but it hasn’t happened and looks like it never will.

  3. BLM in Da-bury

    Looky Here

    I better gets my free welfare, Housing, and EBT cards so I cans chill in my ESCALADE

    if not, we goin to riot

  4. Democrat HOLD-OUTS are Responsible if ANYTHING goes WRONG !!!!! THEY caused the DEBT > ALL of it !

    Lock them up for TREASON & Bank-rupting America !!!

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