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Sen. Cruz to Newsmax: ‘Feckless’ Biden Is ‘Major Cause’ of Ukraine War

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, told Newsmax Friday that President Joe Biden is a “feckless” commander in chief who is a “major cause” of the war in Ukraine.

“When it comes to foreign policy, [President] Joe Biden has managed, for over two years now, to get everything exactly backwards,” Cruz said during an appearance on Newsmax’s “The Chris Salcedo Show.” “He has managed to alienate and abandon our friends and allies and, simultaneously, to show weakness and to show appeasement to our enemies.”

“Look at Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, his surrender to the Taliban,” he continued. “When that happened, every enemy of America looked to Washington, looked to the Oval Office. They took a measure of the man, and they concluded the commander in chief was weak and feckless and ineffective. That was a major cause of the war in Ukraine.”

Cruz added that when Biden began his term in office, he waived sanctions that were put in place on the Nord Stream 2 pipeline by former President Donald Trump, which allowed Russia’s state-owned gas company, Gazprom, to finish the project.

The undersea pipeline allows Russia to export natural gas to Europe and circumvent Ukraine.

“If Biden had just found the guts to stand up to Russia, to stand up to Putin, at the outset, we wouldn’t have this war,” Cruz said.

The Texas Republican also said that the Biden administration is playing both sides of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, which marked its first anniversary on Friday.

“There’s an incoherence in how Biden is approaching it because the Biden administration is literally funding both sides of this war,” Cruz said.

“Biden is obviously sending billions of dollars to Zelenskyy in Ukraine, but he’s also refusing to enforce sanctions against Iran,” he continued. “He’s allowing the ayatollah to sell a million barrels a day of oil and that revenue is going to Iranian drones that the Russians are using to kill Ukrainians. So, both sides are being funded by Biden — it makes no sense.”


6 thoughts on “Sen. Cruz to Newsmax: ‘Feckless’ Biden Is ‘Major Cause’ of Ukraine War”

  1. I beg to differ with Senator Cruz when he says it makes no sense. It all makes perfect sense when you accept the fact that the resident (not a typo) is working for the enemy.

  2. Fact OBAMA was the one that allowed this war to progress. OBAMA set the RED LINE and then allowed RUSSIA To walk right in and take over the CRIMIA PENISULA without lifting a finger. That told the RUSSIANS they could take back the UKRAINIAN’S and their waterway by controlling the water way for them to transport goods.

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