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Why Are Farmers Defying Bans to Cultivate GM Crops?

Farmers across the world are desperate to grow genetically modified crops (GM) in their fields. So much so that in some countries farmers have bypassed existing bans on these crops and even made harvests from them.

Why do these farmers risk being prosecuted, and what compels them to grow GM food crops? The answer is straightforward: GM crops give higher yields, are resilient to deadly plant diseases, and can withstand tough environmental conditions.

Optimum Environmental Conditions Meet Advancement in Science

Conditions for food crops around the world are the best in all of human history. Elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration and warmer temperatures have greened the earth since the end of the Little Ice Age in the 17th century.

GM crop varieties are proven to be disease resistant, drought tolerant, and high yielding. This means more efficient farming and more food, at lower prices, for the world. GM crops also protect poor farmers against crop loss or excessive financial expenditure in purchasing pesticides and insecticides.

However, accessing these crop varieties is very difficult for farmers, as countries are still very slow in allowing their commercial cultivation.

Today the world produces more food crops than ever before. But we must not get complacent. Utilizing scientifically advanced GM food crop varieties will ensure global food security in the coming decades, helping us maximize the advantage of existing global climatic conditions — but only if governments permit them.


3 thoughts on “Why Are Farmers Defying Bans to Cultivate GM Crops?”

  1. So “GM crops give higher yields, are resilient to deadly plant diseases, and can withstand tough environmental conditions.” and that = bad.

    Ohhhh Kaaaaay.

    Please vote next Tues.

  2. I’ll just remind everyone about the Law of Unintended Consequences.

    Remember, too, our leaders told gleefully told us that DDT was a scientific wonder and it was actually sprayed on people at beaches and parks by government vehicles.

    Now, they say just because they are messing with the very fabric of life itself, there are no worries. These new crops will be a scientific wonder, too, with NO EFFECT on the food chain, either.
    Another reminder, for you guys that “trust the science.”
    Here’s another famous law – for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
    Go ahead and mess with the genetic structure of what we eat. Nothing bad will happen.

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