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Uvalde Police Chief Peter Arredondo faces claims he didn’t even have his police radio on him when school massacre began as Texas Rangers probe why he told cops to stand back as kids were slaughtered

As the heat piles on Uvalde Schools Police Chief Pete Arredondo, he’s now being investigated for possibly not having a police radio on him when he told his officers to stand back as Salvador Ramos slaughtered 19 children and two adults.

Arredondo, a former 911 dispatcher who’d been elected to Uvalde’s city council just days earlier, may have used that as an excuse for why he held his officers back despite the 911 calls from students inside the school desperate for assistance.

‘That’s going to be key,’ a source told the New York Post. ‘If those 911 calls were being communicated to the officers or the incident commander.’

The source says that investigators are still trying to determine whether Arredondo had a radio.

‘If they were being relayed, it also raises questions as to why it was not treated as an active shooter situation.’


7 thoughts on “Uvalde Police Chief Peter Arredondo faces claims he didn’t even have his police radio on him when school massacre began as Texas Rangers probe why he told cops to stand back as kids were slaughtered”

  1. I’m pretty sure if it had been my kids or grandkids in there I WOULD have found a way in or the cops would have had to shoot me. I know we don’t know the full story and only what has been published but it is very sad. The mere fact that the school is 54 miles from the Mexican border should have been grounds to have ALL doors locked at all times, no exception

  2. nothing is gonna be done, in fact I bet he retires with a very nice pension!
    The mom was an illegal the kid should never have been in the country!
    And the dims and Xiden pushed these things upon you to foster their agenda!
    Had enough yet?
    Evidently not!

  3. This incident is just another glaring example of total government failure on every level. Everything government is involved in results in abject failure.

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