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Harvard University President Announces $100 Million for Slavery Reparations

Atonement has taken precedence over learning at America’s elite institutions.

America’s wealthiest college announced Tuesday the creation of a new $100 million endowment fund. It will not be used to create more housing for students or build a new academic building but rather to address its history with slavery. These funds, according to Harvard President Lawrence Bacow, will “close the educational, social and economic gaps that are legacies of slavery and racism.” A portion of these funds are set for immediate use within the university, while some will also be held in an endowment for the future.

In an email to faculty, students, and staff Tuesday, Bacow said, “Harvard’s history includes extensive entanglements with slavery … It was embedded in the fabric and the institutions of the North, and it remained legal in Massachusetts until the Supreme Judicial Court ruled it unconstitutional in 1783.” A report published by the Committee on Harvard and the Legacy of Slavery cited evidence of Harvard’s use of slaves on campus, the university financially benefiting from the slave trade, and the exclusion of Black students from admittance to the university. 

The report recommended that Harvard offer the descendants of those enslaved at the university support so they “can recover their histories, tell their stories, and pursue empowering knowledge.”


14 thoughts on “Harvard University President Announces $100 Million for Slavery Reparations”

  1. England and Jewish merchant ships brought slaves to America and white Christian Americans fought and died in two wars to end it …. You’re paid in full

  2. White people want THEIR Reparations for Fighting ALL the Wars in the WORLD !!!! Civil WAR

    WW1 WW2 Korea Vietnam Iraq Afghanistan !!!! Most Blacks stayed Home Far More WHITES Fought !!!

    1. How about a Hundred Million $$$$$ to White people for Reverse Discrimination called >>>>

      Affirmative Action !!!! Reparations for over 50 years of that !!!!

    1. Nobody Alive today had ANYTHING to do with ANY Slavery in the past Nor was a Slave in the Past !

  3. I wonder who is going to administer these funds and how much will go to administrative expenses (98% ??) and how much to the beneficiaries (2% ??).

  4. They fail to acknowledge the hundreds of thousands of WHITE people that GAVE THEIR LIVES (!) so black people could be free. That, before pensions and disability. THEIR families went through hell. To save black people.
    Are they to be just dismissed??

    I saw a man the other night that said “If their (democrats, black people, and others sympathetic to their reasoning) position is that history has somehow damaged future generations beyond repair (as in slavery and it’s “repercussions”), then how do these people account for a minority group that suffered extreme deprivations, discrimination, murders and beatings, rape and economic slavery, but are now one of the most successful groups in the USA — Asians???”
    They can’t.
    Because no matter who you are, what color you are, and even how stupid you are, you can be, and have, ANYTHING YOU WANT.
    You just have to work for it. Work hard (if was EASY, EVERYONE WOULD BE RICH, you idiots). That’s the catch in this whole “we’ll never be anything and we’ll never have anything” narrative.
    White people need to GIVE a certain group more and more things to make up for what they DON’T want to work for (money, medical care, houses and apartments, help raising their children, money for education — the “gimme list” to make them somehow feel better is, according to them, a never-ending gravy train.
    Anyone who disagrees, of course, is a racist!
    Want some? Get some.
    Just stay out of my pockets, because even with this mysterious thing called “white privilege”, MILLIONS of white people are wonder how to cash THAT check as they struggle with the electric and the grocery bills and wonder how they will put gas in the car.
    Pay your bills. Develop and cultivate some integrity. Stop thinking that prison is a badge of honor. Stop having 4 kids before you are 21 years old and thinking WHITE PEOPLE should be supporting them. Stop letting your kids listen to music that glorifies drugs, violence, beating up “bitches”, and has more cuss words than a pornographic novel. There’s nothing like listening to an eight year old kid sing along with “F this s**, I’m a gonna have to bust a cap in the MF’in police!!” Priceless.
    Stop believing that you will be forever worthless and disadvantaged unless white people give you MORE stuff.
    You be surprised at how well your life will work out.

    I said it.
    Will the “Disinformation Board” come for me now??
    God, I hope so.

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