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STAY AWAY: DeSantis Warns That Democrats Fleeing California “Dumpster Fire” Will Move to Florida and Attempt to Ruin State with Leftist Policies

As the mass exodus of citizens and businesses fleeing Blue areas continues, Red states across the nation are bracing for a massive influx of new people who are seeking to escape the leftist policies that democrats have used to make big cities across the United States practically unlivable. Thanks to the jaw-dropping spike in crime and authoritarian public health measures, among other arbitrary nonsense and ‘big government’ interference, millions have fled leftist-controlled areas in favor of the freer, red areas.

And the mass migration is only intensifying. Californians above all others, however, are packing their bags en masse and fleeing the state for redder pastures.

Two of the most popular destinations for these ex-Californians are the conservative strongholds of Florida and Texas. The two states have each seen hundreds of thousands of newcomers over the past year and a half, which has some people in those states rightfully concerned about what follows – including Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

After all, everything that leftists get involved with turns to crap, as has been proven repeatedly.

At an event on Monday, DeSantis blasted California cities, like San Francisco, for being complete “dumpster fires” and pointed to cities like Austin, Texas, which has become increasingly blue, as an example of what happens when Californians invade and import their destructive liberal policies.


5 thoughts on “STAY AWAY: DeSantis Warns That Democrats Fleeing California “Dumpster Fire” Will Move to Florida and Attempt to Ruin State with Leftist Policies”

  1. Homeless tent and debris cities, defunding the police, “autonomous zones” that still call for public services, unhinged protestors and rioters, pushing for liberal judges, and putting a ballot box on every corner are just a few of the things that freedom-loving Floridians won’t put up with.

  2. Fence off California and make them stay and stew in their own socialist juices… and a test…to move to Florida or Texas…a simple test to enter… give definition of what a man is, and what a woman is. If they can’t answer, don’t let them in!

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