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Incandescent light bulbs to get switched off in 2023 under new Biden rules

The Biden administration is pulling the plug on incandescent light bulbs in favor of energy-efficient light-emitting diodes, or LEDs. The phaseout of the old-fashioned bulbs is aimed at reducing utility bills and conserving energy.

The U.S. Department of Energy on Tuesday said it was raising energy efficiency standards for light bulbs, giving manufacturers 75 days to phase out incandescents before an outright ban in July 2023. Incandescent bulbs use a higher wattage than LEDs for the same level of brightness.

The average American family will save $100 a year, or $3 billion collectively, as a result of the rules, which should also reduce energy costs for schools and businesses, the DOE estimates. Further, the rules are projected to reduce carbon emissions by 222 million metric tons over 30 years, the equivalent to the emissions generated by 28 million homes in one year, according to the agency.

Bulbs will now have to emit a minimum of 45 lumens — or brightness — per watt, reviving standards that had been set to go into effect in 2020, but which were blocked by the Trump administration. The former president once complained of how he and others appeared in LED lighting. “I always look orange,” Trump told the House Republican Conference Member Retreat Dinner in Maryland in 2019.

Still, the new rules were decades in the making, and reflect a bi-partisan undertaking. Energy efficiency standards were part of legislation approved during George W. Bush’s presidency, and then picked up by the Obama administration.



16 thoughts on “Incandescent light bulbs to get switched off in 2023 under new Biden rules”

  1. Who is going to make money with this change?
    Have they already bought their LED bulb company stock?
    Are these bulbs actually made here in the USA?

  2. 9:16, Might I suggest you contact your power company and ask them where to find the best deal on LED’s. Many times they sponsor places like Walmart and heavily discounts the lamps. They do last a lot longer and might I also strongly suggest everyone make sure you buy the WARM WHITE/SOFT WHITE version of these lamps. The cool white is far too blue/bright and won’t mimic your old incandescent lamps. Before I retired I used to be the largest outsource manufacturer, (fluorescent) of specialty lamps for GE, Sylvania, Philips and Westinghouse. I can assure you the LED’s are far more efficient energy wise and will save you a lot of money off your electric bill. They also last a lot longer. Environmental wise, fluorescents have a ton of mercury in them in order for the lamp to actually ignite, LED’s don’t have this issue in comparison and are far better to discard at your landfills. The LED’s are a win/win all around.

    1. No dispute to any of those points – I have already been upgrading mine.
      My concern is the mandate and the crony cash flow!

      1. Back in my manufacturing days they came out with what was called the “energy act”. Meaning we had traditionally manufactured 40 watt T-12 lamps and were forced to start manufacturing the new 32 watt T-8 lamps to reduce energy. I was actually called in as an expert to confront Congress to expose how this move was HORRIBLE for one main reason. I stated, how can you go from 40 watts down to 32 watts and achieve the same lumens? You can’t! Congress being clueless, I explained how a LOT more mercury was being put into these new T-8 lamps making them extremely unhealthy for human beings. The more mercury, the more Ultra Violet Radiation they were emitting. So they went to NASA and had my information tied and tested and finally admitted I was right. That being said, the LED’s are far safer to the human race.

    2. So, in my bathroom, I replaced the 5 incandescent bulbs with LED replacements at a cost of $9.00 each a year ago.
      One of the LED bulbs started flickering. Went to hardware store to get a replacement and they are no longer made (that exact bulb).
      The available replacements don’t match (Different color, brightness, shape, etc.)
      So I had to replace all 5 again for $50.00.

      1. That’s a shame. I have retrofitted all three of my homes several years ago and I have not experienced any issues and haven’t replaced one single bulb. I’m wondering what manufacturer you used, do you recall. It is important others know who to stay away from. I usually buy Sylvania products. As for them costing you $10.00 a piece, that’s crazy! Again, look for the specials on well known brands and consider contacting your power company for replacement deals. Have a great weekend.

  3. It’s pretty bad when the government tells you what kind of light bulbs to use. Maybe Biden could make less trips to Delaware and Camp David, which would save more energy than my light bulbs. Is he as POS so-called president or an almighty King? Someone should tell him the difference.


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