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Baltimore City Schools CEO earnings soars to $375,688 as student performance drops

The head of Baltimore City Schools, Sonja Santelises, is now the highest-paid school leader in Maryland. Project Baltimore found as Santelises’ salary rose, student performance decreased.

July 1, 2016, was day one for Baltimore City Schools new CEO, Sonja Santelises.

“There has to be a collective accountability for our young people,” Santelises told FOX45 at the time.

Santelises certainly inherited problems. City Schools consistently ranks near, or at, the bottom for student achievement, such as English and Math proficiencies, not just in Maryland, but across the country. In her first year, Santelises earned $298,000 and promised results.


3 thoughts on “Baltimore City Schools CEO earnings soars to $375,688 as student performance drops”

  1. That is where I go to each day for my news. They do the investigative reporting that WBOC won’t. Maxine Benzel who is now Maxine Streicher is now one of the lead reporters there. Great news station and great cast of reporters who are not afraid to ask the questions of our elected officials that need answers. They also hold them accountable. You won’t see this from the fluff piece news outlets here on the eastern shore.
    Decisions are also made in Annapolis that are not reported here, that effect us.
    I’m glad I no longer have to go to WBOC or WMDT for my news.
    The local news outlets seem to forget that Maryland is one half of the Delmarva Peninsula and Virginia is totally forgotten unless there is a chopper flyby!

  2. All the CEOs and teachers put together in Baltimore City are not worth that much money. You can tell by the uneducated. illiterate bunch that come out of there,.

  3. Concerned Retiree

    DEMOCRAT corruption at its best. Politians and their appointees are great for this and their ponzi schemes to ripoff the tax payer. They never have any accountability are requirements they have to meet in their performance.

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