A Republican lawmaker tried and failed to extend Maryland’s gasoline tax holiday by amendment on Thursday, and House Speaker Adrienne A. Jones (D-Baltimore County) faced pushback from Republican lawmakers who felt debate was unfairly curtailed.
Del. Brenda Thiam (R-Washington) proposed the amendment to Senate Bill 215 — which would extend Maryland’s energy storage tax credit — to continue the statewide gas tax holiday for 45 days. The current tax break is set to expire April 16, and the amendment would have extended it through Memorial Day.
“Many are still struggling,” Thiam said. “Though we know this is a short-term relief, it’s a necessary relief.”
Seriously… the gas tax “holiday” saves.. what… maybe $25 a month? Generally, I fill up once a week… that $25 bucks doesn’t go very far, does it? I’d rather have energy independence as we did BEFORE the dementia ridden creepy old dude who probably doesn’t know he’s living in the white house came into ( stole) power. Even the most die hard democrats can’t say they are better off with Joe…
Get ready and expect $3.99 a gallon gas again on April 16th.
Move out of MD, taxes will only get worse.. its my plan
The contributing citizens of the communist republic of maryland hope that everyone remembers this on election day!
Get rid of Demoncrats!