Last year, the Gateway Pundit and White Coat Waste broke the story that Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases spent $375,000 in taxpayer dollars to fund abusive experiments on dogs in Tunisia.
Two months after the story was published, the images of the beagle torture went viral. Fauci’s fan club in the media immediately sprung into action to do damage control for their COVID icon — in particular, Beth Reinhard and Dana Milbank of the Washington Post.
The White Coat Waste Project had used government databases to uncover disturbing documents detailing how Fauci and the NIAID funded researchers in Tunisia to intentionally lock dogs’ heads in mesh cages and unleash infected sand flies so that the parasite-carrying insects could eat them alive.
The published study, which included the troubling photo that went viral, had originally listed funding from NIAID in its financial disclosure and the NIH’s database stated that it funded the Tunisian dog researchers.
I hope fauci rots in Hell !!
The sooner the better
Torture of these innocent dogs is UNFORGIVEABLE !!!! Fauci deserves 20 years in PRISON for it !! NO Parole
American Govt MUST BAN this practice & the others we don’t get to know about at NIH !!!! Should be Illegal !!!
NIH is the Nazi Party Experiment Labs in America !!!! Menglia Fauci
he’s a killer of people and animals. his head should be in there with the fleas until he is ….. gone … gone… gone