The Conowingo Dam is the largest polluter of the Chesapeake Bay. Yet none of our State Representatives or Federal Representatives has been able to do anything about it because they simply don’t have the backbone to support what it would take to correct this situation. If any of these elected officials have done anything to stop this pollution then here is your chance to correct me. So representatives what say you? I’m not afraid to use my name. Are you afraid to respond? John Palmer, Delmar, Md.
The Conowingo Dam is the largest polluter of the Chesapeake Bay. Yet none of our State Representatives or Federal Representatives has been able to do anything about it because they simply don’t have the backbone to support what it would take to correct this situation. If any of these elected officials have done anything to stop this pollution then here is your chance to correct me. So representatives what say you? I’m not afraid to use my name. Are you afraid to respond? John Palmer, Delmar, Md.