Joe Biden on Wednesday signed into law the Postal Service Reform Act of 2022.
Biden told one of his favorite lies as he delivered remarks at the White House before signing the bill.
79-year-old Joe Biden told the attendees at the bill signing event that he was a practicing professor at the University of Pennsylvania.
This is a lie.
Joe Biden was paid $1 million by UPenn but he never taught a single class.
“Before I became president — I’m sure you all know this, I was the Ben Franklin professor of practice at the University of Pennsylvania – professor,” said Biden.
Biden can’t wipe his azz…. he could never teach like most progressives.
A legend in his own mind
Lying old dog.
They should do the same thing to fake Fauci as he did to those poor . helpless dogs. There is a special place reserved for him in hell.
Penn once was a premier university.
But his ‘appointment’ was little more than a bribe wrapped in an innocuous covering story.
And now they’ve decided a man is ok on the women’s swim team and in their locker room.
Ben Franklin must be spinning!
He’s a legend in his own mind but he can’t remember the whole truth.