House Democrats say they are ready to take the next step to force through a bill that would study how reparations for slavery will take shape, but want to hurry to assure passage of any plan can be implemented by the Biden administration.
“This has been a 30-plus year journey,” Democratic Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee of Texas said in reference to her efforts to have reparations approved, according to The Washington Post. “We had to take a different approach. We had to go one by one to members explaining this does not generate a check.”
But it would cost $12 million of taxpayer dollars, for starters.
And under H.R. 40, the bill House Democrats think they can force through with their razor-thin House majority, the bill would form a commission to which Republicans need not apply to determine how reparations would be structured.
The panel would have 13 members, one each appointed by President Joe Biden and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, one by Democratic Sen. Patrick Leahy of Vermont as president pro tempore of the Senate, and six from civil rights groups that support reparations.
Jackson Lee insisted that the hearing conducted by the commission would be good for America.
“Reparations is about repair and when you repair the damage that has been done, you do so much to move a society forward. This commission can be a healing process — telling the truth can heal America,” she said.
Oh that’s what we need right now more division.
they have enough people to donate a Million dollars each leaving the tax payers out
So if we pay reparations then the whole issue of we waz slaves is over? No more affirmative action or special treatment?
it won’t get through the Senate. Dead on arrival.
These crooked Monsters are Ruining our damn country & No accountability for them !!!!! Americans Pissed
Oh boy, more FREEBIES! How are they going to determine who gets it? Not all minorities have slaves as ancestors, but the Demos will get it to all of them for votes. What a sham. Some of my ancestors were indentured servants, does that qualify me? If they are handing out my hard earned tax dollars, I want some.