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Wicomico Superintendent Explains Importance of Manipulating Others for Effective Leadership

Before landing her job as Superintendent of Wicomico County Public Schools, the current Superintendent received her Doctorate in Education in 2014 after completing her doctoral thesis that iced the cake for her graduation. Receiving accolades from her professors, she moved onto a slam-dunk interview to be selected in 2016 by an appointed board to oversee the operations of Wicomico County Public Schools.

Citizens have been perplexed over the years as to why or how Wicomico’s Board of Education has been controlled by the Superintendent (including administration). They don’t only follow her orders, but implement her illegal and unethical practices without question or regard to school board policy or the law. In addition, she’s managed to bully parents, manipulate and control the media, business leaders, citizens, teachers, administrators, vendors, municipalities, organizations, the State of Maryland, legislators, delegates and even senators. She has always spun the reality of poor academic performance, parent involvement, audit results and parent satisfaction, while portraying the school system as a wonderland of high approval ratings. How can this be?

It’s a result of psychological manipulation if you care to read her 137-page thesis centered on Emotional Intelligence, which she compares to traditional research-based leadership practices. In her thesis she conducts a survey with principals and looks to find a correlation between the two, which the result is inconclusive in the end. What’s important to note is her emphasis on an administrator’s level of Emotional Intelligence and her belief on how it can result in successful school leadership. In order to do this, the administrator must possess Emotional Intelligence skills to control the school environment. Not to be mistaken with management and discernment, it involves manipulation of others to play off emotions. She explains how successful businesses and fortune 500 companies use Emotional Intelligence to grow their operations. Enviously touting the successes derived in the business world as a result of using Emotional Intelligence, it’s ironically the exact methods used by professional snake oil salesmen and car dealerships to execute a sale.


19 thoughts on “Wicomico Superintendent Explains Importance of Manipulating Others for Effective Leadership”

  1. All the more reason to “UN VOTE” her the next go round. Hopefully along the the rest of the clowns in office.

  2. So, she’s a professional, doctoral qualified education program manipulator, kinda like Joe Biden’s kids’ former babysitter.

  3. It is time to face the facts the ALL public schools are failures. If you are a good teacher trying to struggle against the crap- You MUST leave. You cannot fix it from the inside. If you are a parent- you need to pull your kids. If you are a grandparent- sorry, but you may have to spend some of that retirement money on your grandkids homeschool education. if you do not homeschool your children NOW, you do not love your kids. Period.

    1. No, you are wrong 2:43. A professional educator would not get wrapped up in this mess. It’s simple, you nod your head like a good little serf and don’t put a target on your back. Then you quietly go about educating the children in your charge without all of the garbage. I’ve been doing this a long time (teaching) and the formula is not to quit / that just leaves the political zombies to do whatever they want. The only chance some children have are folks like me who keep it all quiet, never make a fuss, and then educate children to the very best of our abilities.

  4. Couple of comments and a couple of caveats:

    Caveats: Not here to carry water for or against Dr. Hanlin. The past two years have arguably been among the most challenging any manager or executive has faced due to Covid and all its associated changes. I chose not to explore the thesis due to time constraints (mine), and after reading the expanded article which made an inadequate argument about EQ. I’m not advocating for or against EQ, but think it’s helpful to actually understand the concept in order to evaluate whether it offers benefits or is a sinister tool.

    Comment: Most have an understanding of IQ, generally viewed as how bright or intelligent you are. Your IQ is calculated in reference to others being tested, currently and over time. It gets its ‘strength’ based on being used over a long period of time on a large number of people from all over. That’s an oversimplification but will have to do.

    EQ emerged as a concept when it became clear some with average or below IQ were successful due their native or learned ability to assess and reflect on situations in a calmer way before acting rather than following a more immediate urge to act or react. Lots of high IQ people don’t have high native EQ, and its absence can undercut their efforts, and bruise peers and subordinates. Again, oversimplified.

    So the more useful discussion of EQ is how to recognize those who have it, and those who could benefit by coaching to add it to their skillset. By itself, it’s just a strength or weakness in an area, but incorporated with other desired skills it offers the possibility of a higher performing, more collaborative, less disruptive manager, peer, employee or subordinate and the interactions up and down the organization.

    Larger organizations thirst for ways to identify which internal and external candidates will be more successful because the ripples from a poor choice are expensive and long lasting. And those who are successful can leverage their skills to help their organization improve; in a school setting this means staff, students, parents and community. There can be a Flavor of the Month effect as new or modified theories get publicized but concepts that prove out in practice tend to endure.

    EQ that benefits self and those you deal with or influence brings pluses rather than the narrow, sinister aspects that formed the focus of the post’s author. I offer this as a veteran observer of numerous selection and development approaches during the past 40 years.

    Thanks for the opportunity to comment.

    1. Then why are you commenting here if no one pays attention? Also, I have no idea what you are referring to when you comment “You’re getting yours now”, but here’s some good advice, be careful about rejoicing in the trials of others, remember but for the grace of God, there go I. Lord please have mercy on us all; no one wants what we truly deserve. Greater is He that is in me than he who is in the world; Lord Jesus pour your blessings upon the site owner and heal any brokenness. Amen.

    2. Ummmm ………11:43……… are you aware of Joe’s site traffic alone? Do you know anything at all about SEO?

      Clearly, you do not. Given that it is fine to express your opinions but when you have no concept of what your are speaking about, it doesn’t reflect well. As for Joe getting his, I can tell you personally he is quite well off, having worked hard his entire life. Your silly little comment is the real joke here.



      1. Thanks Paladin! I am always amazed at some of the comments that come in. The intent of this site is to create/deliver healthy debate. God forbid someone disagrees. Nevertheless, it rolls right off my back. Remember people, I’m married to a Liberal and we have happily survived for 22 years now. We AGREE TO DISAGREE on many topics but we RESPECT each other and we learn from each other. Perhaps the rest of you can try to do the same.

  5. hanlin/donohoe was a waste as principal at bennett and nothing has changed except she has risen to her current level of incompetence due to the county boe wanting a hack for the job! she’s a total waste and her protege ricky aint any better! good luck to all you fools who refuse to show up at boe meetings and hold all of them accountable! you deserve it for your lack of caring about your kids and their schools!
    how many kids been abused by teachers during her tenure so far? Glad I’m not one of your kids!

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