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Hunter Biden art show sparks ethics concerns

Government ethics watchdogs and art critics alike are voicing their concerns as first son Hunter Biden prepares for his first solo art exhibition this fall — where paintings from the former lawyer and lobbyist are expected to fetch between $75,000 and $500,000 and buyers will remain anonymous.

“The whole thing is a really bad idea,” Richard Painter, chief ethics lawyer for President George W. Bush, told the Washington Post.

“The initial reaction a lot of people are going to have is that he’s capitalizing on being the son of a president and wants people to give him a lot of money. I mean, those are awfully high prices.”

Walter Shaub, who led the Office of Government Ethics under President Barack Obama, told the paper that the art buyers having their identities protected created a host of problems.


3 thoughts on “Hunter Biden art show sparks ethics concerns”

  1. The answer is in the sixth word on this blog NO ETHICS! He sold our secrets from Dad Joe while vice president to the Chinese and Russians and made millions doing it and has never been charged just investigated because we can’t charge the son of our current president while in office. He had an affair with his deceased brother’s wife like he had to have already have been in the wings on that one. He has children out of wedlock and refuses to support them. Yeah I would want one of those paintings and would want to support the Biden family.

  2. It was on YouTube that Hunter has adapted a new technique in his paintings to improve sales and their individuality. He is now using his Penis as a brush. He said he got the idea from the woman that paints in the nude with her boobs.
    His father Joe said the use of his penis shows how the Biden family loves to “Stick it” to the public of this country.

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