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Maryland Lawmakers Vote to Expand Tax Credit for Immigrants

The Maryland General Assembly gave final approval Friday to expanding a state tax credit for low-income workers to include immigrants, including some living in the country illegally who work and pay taxes in the state.

The House of Delegates voted 91-44 for the measure already approved by the Senate, sending it to Republican Gov. Larry Hogan. Michael Ricci, Hogan’s spokesman, said the measure will become law without the governor’s signature.

The measure, an emergency bill that will take effect right away, will extend the state’s Earned Income Tax Credit for low-income residents to people who use individual taxpayer identification numbers in addition to those who have Social Security numbers. They were left out of an initial relief bill that already has been signed into law.

Del. Joseline Pena-Melnyk, a Democrat, said she has seen lines of of people waiting to get food near her home in the suburbs of the nation’s capital. She also said she regularly gets calls from people who can’t pay their mortgage or rent.

“These are difficult times that we’re living in,” Pena-Melnyk said. “Should we turn away when we see these needs? Or should we do what people with a generous spirit will do, which is to find a way to help? This bill is fair and it’s just, and I choose to help and not turn my back, because they do pay taxes.”

Supporters said workers covered under the measure pay more than $100 million in taxes annually without being eligible for most tax credits or public assistance programs.

Democrats rejected several changes to the bill sought by Republicans, including a proposal to eliminate the state’s tax on retiree income.

Opponents said the measure rewards people who are in the country illegally.

Del. Sid Saab, a Republican who spoke of how he moved to the U.S. from Lebanon when he was 19, said he’s not anti-immigrant, but that he believes people should immigrate without breaking the law.

“It’s a slap in the face to every single immigrant that comes here legally,” Saab, of Anne Arundel County, said.


13 thoughts on “Maryland Lawmakers Vote to Expand Tax Credit for Immigrants”

  1. Lock up ANY govt official WHO steals Our Taxpayer $$$$ & Benefits & gives it to ILLEGALS !!!! DEPORT BOTH !!!!

  2. Lock up ANY govt official WHO steals Our Taxpayer $$$$ & Benefits & gives it to ILLEGALS !!!! DEPORT BOTH !!!!

    Start with BIDEN !!

    1. We have to make the slumlords who house illegal aliens whole. That’s the way the system works. Follow the money.

  3. Sooo, my taxes go to illegals, but if I didn’t pay my taxes I get hounded, possible jail time yet I’m an American.

    Hmmm… yeah, things still a fluster cluck!

  4. Getting the wheels in motion I WILL NOT RETIRE in this facist marxist tard state. Taking my tax dollars places where it is used as intended and spent wisely!!!!give aways to encourage basically criminal behavior is aphalling

  5. How does the beginning of socialism feel to all you die hard Democrats now. Our tax dollars going to be spent helping ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS instead of American Citizens who paid it in. Maryland Lawmakers Vote to Expand Tax Credit for Immigrants” All this gerrymandering done in this state has caused this because all we get in office now is a bunch of communist Democrats and Rino’s.

  6. This is the only way their BUDDY SLUMLORDS continue to get rich and get more political clout which taxes the working class

    Eliminate taxes on all MD retirees and give them all this extra money they give to lazy unemployment bums. We have the same expenses and more with our health expenses.

    Adolph Hogan and the Democrats are pushing socialized medicine and Communist / Marxist agenda to kill us off.

  7. I was just made aware that Child Tax credits are legal if the person filing the taxes has children born and living in other countries. For example, Juan has three children born and living in Mexico and two children born and living in Peru. Juan is permitted to use these five children as Child Tax Credits even though they live outside of America.

    In 2018 an illegal was allowed to claim Child Tax Credits for 24, YES, TWENTY FOUR Children living in foreign countries. To make matters worse, the only thing required is to list the names of the children and there is NO verification make as to whether the children exist or not.

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