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Bill Maher Is Officially Nervous About A Trump 2024 Run: ‘The Shark Is Not Gone’

HBO “Real Time” host Bill Maher is an old-school liberal, but he’s still a liberal, nonetheless, and he didn’t think many good things about President Donald Trump’s presidency.

But because Maher is true to his liberalism, he’s also honest with himself and others when it comes to making political assessments, and he made one about Trump on his Friday evening program.

In short: Democrats who are counting Trump out after he ‘lost’ the 2020 election are making a huge mistake, Maher believes.

The shark is not gone. We need a bigger boat,” Maher continued, possibly referencing the 1970s-era Hollywood blockbuster thriller “Jaws.” “The shark went out to sea for a while, it’s going to come back, and eat more people on the shore.”


4 thoughts on “Bill Maher Is Officially Nervous About A Trump 2024 Run: ‘The Shark Is Not Gone’”

  1. Best believe the shark, as he calls him, is not gone. I hope he comes back as a whale since he’s out to sea.

  2. The loud mouth had better be nervous. Trump will be back strong. What’s with that dumb ass Mitch McConnell saying he is behind Trump in 2024, after he threw him under the bus during the second fake impeachment hearing. The no good rat said the capital incident was caused by Trump, which is wrong.

  3. Your answer 2:18, he knows what’s coming that’s why. Only problem is he’s shown he’s a turncoat so my advice to him would be to immediately start removing his skeletons from the closet, not that then I would even take him seriously.

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