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A Comment Worthy Of A Post 1-31-21

All Wicomico taxpayers need to familiarize themselves with this proposal and the way it was introduced. Go to PAC 14 on December-1st and view the meeting. Note the following:

1. timing of when this was introduced – during the beginning of the Christmas season when everyone is focusing on Christmas and how to protect their families against Covid.

2. the inability of the two Salisbury representatives to present a professional presentation. They were unable to answer many of the questions presented by the council members. When one presenter went off script, the other tried to get that person to stop talking by pulling on their arm.

3. it appeared that they fully expected to come away from this meeting with a full agreement by the Council

4. the actions by some members of the Council was definitely not in favor of protecting the taxpayers. The “Nancy Pelosi” attitude of “we have all the information we need right now so let’s sign this and fill in the details later,” should sound a high : “Red Alert Taxpayers”.

5. the were four Council members who at a later session were the same ones who didn’t want any type of public hearing on this proposal. I believe if you listen carefully you’ll hear one member even say that its really not required. ( Yeah right! Let’s turn this into The Bank of Wicomico and just keep it quiet). As you will notice this proposal has been kept pretty quiet. Why?

6. on the PAC-14 video you can see that some Council members are in a terrible rush to get this done during this legislative session and that is why they should sign it now and fill in the detail later. Now folks, in my personal opinion, this proposal wasn’t just thought about overnight. It was carefully planned out long before that presentation. I believe it was presented to the City of Salisbury by a group of developers in the Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce and I surely don’t know who they all are and why didn’t they assist in the presentation instead of letting the two city representatives flounder around. Perhaps it was purposely presented at this time just to rush it through. What’s your thoughts?

What I expect to happen if this does pass then the next action you will see is one of the four council members who wants this action will then introduce, ” A Resolution” that will authorize the same four council members to vote in favor of granting huge tax credits to the developers”. ( and yes taxpayers at this time where will those tax credis come from ?). When I first saw this presentation it reminded me of something my grandmother use to say to me,” Never use your own money if you can use someone’s else’s. ).

Now I’m all in favor of development in Wicomico County. I would like to see someone come up with a plan to bring back manufacturing and permanent jobs back to the county which in turn will create a need for residential development such as that proposed.

Just out of curiosity. How many people remember that not so long ago Salisbury made this great pitch of why we needed this large building on the waterfront that would become the Art Center of the Eastern Shore. It would bring in the artists, the musicians, the singers and so forth and we just had to have it. What happened there? Anyone want to elaborate?

I believe our Eastern Shore Delegation needs to provide some protection for the taxpayers and not just say ” well it’s really up to your Council”. That’s an easy way out. The vote to get this measure should show them how this will go. I propose they should delay this measure until the taxpayers and voters will have some reassurance that they will not become the “Bank Of Wicomico”. So what say you Delegation, are you going to get creative or just pass the buck?

I know I will get all kinds of nasty comments on this but I’ve never been shy to put my name on what I believe in. At this point I do not believe this legislation is in the best interests of the taxpayers and voters of Wicomico County.

John Palmer, Delmar, Md.

25 thoughts on “A Comment Worthy Of A Post 1-31-21”

  1. Instead on placing all the property tax burden on long time residents why not throw this out the window and lower their property tax rate to be equal to Worcester. Wicomico has the highest property tax rate in the state, whereas Worcester has the lowest, yet it is considered one of the welthiest Counties. Inviting property development and not letting that revenue slip seems like a smarter way to do business.

      1. ANONYMOUS January 31, 2021 At 5:59 Pm
        they are not into smarter here.

        Obviously not, 5:59 PM and your comment is evidence of that.

  2. First, these people by no means are qualified to do this job. They’re a bunch of regular people who happen to get elected to a position by other regular people. But they want you to think they are something special, because they were elected , by other regular people, which all of a sudden makes them smarter and more knowledgeable than other regular people. If they had to actually apply for a job like this with qualified people instead of elected, they wouldn’t be there. Kinda sounds like most elected positions.

    1. Good point Anon January 31, 2021 At 10:10 Am! That is why Cornbread Anderton wasn’t “hired” as the Wicomico County Executive. Because he isn’t qualified to be the County Executive is why the 4 more intelligent county council members voted against his appointment. They were looking out for the best interest of the citizens and taxpayers of our county.

      Think about it, does our county need an inexperienced high school dropout running our wonderful county. I am so fortunate that we have 4 sane councilmembers who were intelligent enough to ignore the intimidation and harassment of Bill Chambers representing the Salisbury Chamber of Commerce and Mike Dunn representing the Greater Salisbury Committee. The membership of the Chamber needs to fire Bill Chambers and the membership of the Greater Salisbury Committee needs to fire Mike Dunn for their involvement in dirty politics.

      Thank you, Holloway, Davis, Dodd and Acle for looking out for the citizens of Wicomico County.

      Shame on Cannon, McCain and Hastings! You are new members of Wicomico Counties corrupt Wall of Shame.

      1. Mike Dunn and Bill Chambers are 2 of the biggest DOUCHE BAGS that has ever called Wicomico County home. Bill Chambers should go back to his town and Mike Dunn should move away like the time he ran after his reign of terror on the city council with Bubba Comagees and DinglBarrie Tilmon.

  3. This is just so typical of Salisbury and Wicomico County, by the time anyone knows anything it’s a done deal, like it or not, then it’s shoved down our throats to pay for. Will this crap ever change?? Probably not because money around here speaks louder than words. Same on every level of government. . Corrupt!

    1. “Probably not because money around here speaks louder than words.”

      What money? If Nick Simpson had money then why does he need our tax dollars for the HORIZON tax abatement project?

      1. Because he is a Friend of Jake’s and Jake wants to make sure that his buddy gets rich off the City taxpayers. This is something that can be expected from the Welfare Queen Michele Gregory. This is enough to make sure that Jack Heath and Manure Bota never gets elected again. The clowns drooling over Jake Day don’t know any better and swear that “he is doing great things for Salisbury.”

        1. Yep, I have to agree with you. Jake Day, Jim Ireton and Barrie Tilghman have a history of making their friends rich. Ask the Gillis and Gilkerson families.

  4. Will be just more section 8 artist cribs while gangland takes over. Kitzrow and Glantz have as much business at the helm of Salisbury as Ernie and Bert does. Instead of lipstick on a pig and follow the money to corruptness how about a crime and gang plan to really clean up Salisbury. The old people cannot even go to Acme for groceries without being robbed or pandered and not a city or county cop in sight. Sorry to say it but Salisbury has become a cesspool of crap with no hope but more crime and free shit for the non working gangland trash. C,mon double D! Duncan and Dykes do your job and clean it somewhat up.

    1. “Acme for groceries without being robbed or pandered and not a city or county cop in sight.”

      Newsflash: There are no “county cops.” The county does have Deputies but they don’t routinely patrol the city and the city doesn’t want them to. That is why the city has its own police department. Believe me, I think this is ridiculous and asinine to have multiple police agencies in Wicomico County. The best thing for the taxpayers would be to dissolve all municipal police agencies and let the Sheriff’s Office absorb them. Better yet, Wicomico County should have a County Police Department and let the Sheriff’s Department stick to court duties, serving papers and the county jail.

  5. If these are such sterling projects they should be able to stand on their own two feet.

    Let the promoters put their own money, or cash borrowed from commercial lenders, at risk. No reason the county (which is the taxpayers) should provide two decades of services without tax revenue. The ripple effect argument just doesn’t wash. It’s a promoter subsidy and the ripple effect will go as far as their pockets.

    We need informed council members with clean hands; we’re often in deficit mode on those two points.

    Council – Just say NO!

    1. “Council – Just say NO!”

      Maybe you should be telling this to John Cannon, Bill McCain, Josh Hastings and Ernie Davis instead of chirping anonymously on this blog. Get some balls and go to their council meetings and speak your peace.

  6. Mr. Palmer,

    Kudos for you speaking out about this. But, you didn’t say how the County Council voted for this:

    For: McCain, Hastings, Davis and Cannon – Dems and a RINO
    No: Holloway, Dodd, Acle – real Republicans..

    And Anderton, another RINO, is pushing for approval in Annapolis.

    1. There was no need to say what the vote was or who for what. Most that have any interest in reading Mr. Palmer’s piece can figure it out without it being pointed out. The players know their being watched, but being damorats they know they are above the law and Teflon…. right?

      1. “There was no need to say what the vote was or who for what.”

        You can’t be serious?? You say there was no need to point out what the vote was?? LMAO!! Which one are you? Cannon? McCain or Hastings?

  7. John, thank you for sounding the alarm on this. Taxpayers need to look no further than the failed TIF projects at the old mall and on the NE collector. The council members aren’t normal people. The city’s council districts were carefully gerrymandered by the mayor based on who was desired for those seats, including the additional ones. Has anyone ever connected to the Marley Manor lift station. How’s that Sassafras Meadows developer reimbursement looking now? Until Salisbury finds people who place integrity and actual public service above political inspirations, this is what Salisbury can look forward to.

  8. Get rid of section 8 housing and bring in manufacturing and you’ll see Wicomico county turn around but that takes guts and that’s hard to find on the council

    1. Easier said than done, but I agree with you. The first thing you need to do is get rid of the Welfare Queens on the city council like Michele Gregory and April Jackson. They are the “social justice warriors” pushing for Section 8 housing because they are recipients of it. They are also supporting marijuana legislation and releasing criminal thugs from “mass incarceration.” You think Ghettobury is bad now, just wait until those Ghetto Delegates and Senators in Annapolis pass legislation for “police reform.” You haven’t seen anything yet. Get rid of these Welfare Queens and that will be a good start. Don’t forget to get rid of your wannabe soljaboi while you’re at it!

  9. You know what’s funny? John Palmer is worried about this HORIZON tax abatement while he totally ignores that Sh!thole he has created and ignored at the Wicomico County Board of Education. He really should be more concerned about that nightmare which is costing the taxpayers much more than Horizon. They are both nightmares but Palmer has obviously drunk the Kool-Aid and rubberstamps everything that old hag Hanlin wants.

  10. Here is something that John Palmer should be adamantly speaking out against but he refuses to do so. This just came out and the same thing happened last Summer by giving out free food and Palmer was quieter than a church mouse. Why should our tax dollars be giving out free food during the Summer when the families are already getting paid through vouchers and EBT cards! Come on Palmer, find some balls and start acting like the Rep of the people that you are supposed to be! A link to the Press Release is at the bottom.

    Federal Funds Available to Serve Free Summer Meals to Children and Teens

    Federal Funds Available to Serve Free Summer Meals to Children and Teens
    MSDE Seeks to Expand Program’s Success; Deadline to Apply is May 31, 2021
    BALTIMORE (February 1, 2021) – The Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) is seeking public and private nonprofit organizations to serve free, nutritious meals to children and teens this summer thorough the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP), a U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) program. Rising to the challenges imposed by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, SFSP participating organizations increased access to SFSP meals resulting in over 9.5 million meals served to Maryland children and teens during the summer of 2020. That represents an approximately three-fold increase compared to the summer of 2019 when partners served over 3 million meals and snacks.

    The Summer Food Service Program has always been an important program that provides nutritious meals for Maryland children and teens when schools are recessed and is even more critical now during the Covid-19 pandemic. MSDE is especially grateful for the work of our food service professionals who provided more than nine million free meals to children and teens in a welcoming and safe manner last summer as part of the program,” said State Superintendent of Education, Karen B. Salmon, Ph.D. “We are committed to ensuring that children continue to have access to healthy meals throughout the summer months.

    The SFSP is a federally funded, State-administered program that provides reimbursement to organizations who serve nutritious meals to children in areas where at least 50 percent qualify for free or reduced price meals under the National School Lunch Program, or 50 percent of the children enrolled in a summer program qualify for free or reduced price meals. Most organizations may be reimbursed for up to two meals or snacks per child per day. Camps
    and migrant programs may be reimbursed for up to three meals per child each day. All meals and snacks must meet federal nutrition standards.

    The Program is open to children and teens age 18 and under, and to individuals over 18 who have a mental or physical disability and participate during the school year in a public or private non-profit school. The deadline for applications is May 31, 2021. For more information about the SFSP, please visit Interested organizations should contact the Office of School and Community Nutrition Programs at 410-767-0199.

    The Maryland State Department of Education and the U.S. Department of Agriculture are equal opportunity employers and providers

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