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How smoking cannabis can affect your intelligence: Using the drug once a week for six months can knock off two IQ points and could have ‘significant effects’ on teens’ verbal skills

Teens who smoke weed at least once a week for six months can lose up to two IQ points as they get older and find it harder to problem solve, a new study revealed.

The Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI) studied 808 teens who used cannabis at least weekly for at least six months and 5,308 who did not use the drug.

They discovered that regular dope smokers suffer a decline of two IQ points over time compared to those who did not use cannabis during their teen years.


9 thoughts on “How smoking cannabis can affect your intelligence: Using the drug once a week for six months can knock off two IQ points and could have ‘significant effects’ on teens’ verbal skills”

  1. I’ve been a daily smoker for years and still score the same as my first test I took in elementary school and one in early high school. Same exact score every time. 120.

  2. I did alot of this shit in the 70’s. It is not good for you. It will kill your enthusiasm for reaching higher goals. ( no pun intended). Please don’t do this as a teen. And then maybe you have a chance to live life drug free. It is a monkey on your back. And he is not friendly! But then again you can tell these kids this, and some still have to find out for themselves. Culture, good parents, and a desire to succeed has a lot to do with it, not all but alot. Once you taste the bittersweet necter of the fruit the taste stays with you the rest of your life. It’s up to you not to take another bite, or take one in the first place. Signed, one who is experienced.

    1. First of all, the pot we smoked in the 70’s is not comparable to today’s weed. I smoked every day in the seventies and it did not ‘kill my enthusiasm for reaching higher goals’. Heck, that decade was my “heyday” in regards to prosperity and success. I get your point, but I’d rather smoke a little weed to relax than take xanax (yeah, I had a bout with that trash 10 years ago. And to think I trusted my doctor!).

  3. lmao, depends on whether you are smoking indica or sativa. by this authors reckoning my friends should all be sitting in a corner drooling on themselves instead of making 100k+ a year. total joke. how about a study on liberalism and what mental midgets it turns people into? or maybe how abortion destroys babies? or better yet study on corrupt politicians? naw never happen! keep on toking!

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