Once people are empowered, though there may be frustrating fits and starts, eventually they will refuse to be muted or mastered.
The Democrats’ crony socialism is in its death throes.
Our communications revolution empowered individuals to make their own decisions and have their voices heard and heeded. It was a welcome development for our constitutional republic, for it promised to increase the liberty and the equality of its citizens.
But the empowerment of Americans to make their own decisions and pursue their own happiness in a more egalitarian and, thus, more perfect union proved a threat to the self-anointed elites who lust to dictate our destinies. Leftists, corporatists, globalists, academics, the spoon-fed media, and all others who want to control you for power and profit have combined with and within the Democratic Party to arrest and reverse the continued empowerment of the sovereign citizenry. This inherently anti-democratic combination, which was celebrated for rigging the 2020 election in Time, constitutes crony socialism.
Crony socialism encompasses those institutions and individuals who cower at the prospect of losing their unmerited power and status due to an empowered public. Fearful, they have sought shelter within the Democratic Party, which itself is in irreversible decline; and from the Big Tech robber barons, who ironically helped spawn the communications revolution now threatening their crony socialist comrades and, yes, themselves.