Yesterday I wrote one of the most popular, highly trafficked and controversial columns of the year. It blew up the Internet!
It was about former President Barack Obama (my Columbia college classmate)- who I openly branded as evil, a criminal mastermind, and a “Manchurian candidate.”
If the shoe fits, wear it.
Today I will lay out the criminal case against Obama, based only on my common sense and gut instincts.
But on Monday, I’ll publish Part 3- the detailed insights of a high-level retired CIA insider on the crimes of Obama.
I’m not a lawyer, prosecutor, or expert on the law and national security. I only play one on TV. So, what you are about to read are the opinions of a TV and radio talk show host who has only two unique talents- common sense and accurate gut instincts built from survival on the mean streets of New York…
Here is my criminal case against Barack Obama…
Crooked Bastard
Obama isn’t a mastermind just another prop used by the deep state and if he’s ever prosecuted they will take him out and blame Republicans
Obama is very smart and smooth 8:38. He’ll piss on your leg and tell you it’s raining, and you’ll believe him.
I don’t believe a damn thing he says. I always did say if his purple lips are moving, he’s lying!!!