SALISBURY, Maryland — Consistent with his position regarding density within the Central Business District (CBD), Mayor Randy Taylor has filed a formal veto of Ordinance # 2909 as passed by the Salisbury City Council on January 13, 2025.
“The potential impact of this change would be devastating to the downtown and has no place on the stage of good planning or common sense,” Mayor Taylor said.
This ordinance attempts to double the allowable density from 40 units to 80 units per acre with no parking standard within the CBD. Mayor Taylor along with planners throughout the state, design professionals and zoning specialists, find this legislation to be grossly inappropriate.
The change would also be inconsistent with Maryland planning law as well as Salisbury’s Comprehensive Plan and could only be passed in the context of a lack of understanding regarding its impact.
A fresh breath of common sense!
Thanks to all who helped elect him!
This is all being pushed by the Salisbury Chamber of Commerce and the Greater Salisbury Committee. The builders have taken control of these committees and are pushing to increase density so they can make more money. They have no concerns what so ever about parking. They can’t make money on building parking lots. Next you’ll see the Mayors veto over ridden by three bought city council members. Then they’ll ask for free water and sewer hookups. Then they’ll ask for tax credits. It just goes on and on. After all, they say they are only building more affordable housing for Salisbury. What a great opportunity for Salisbury!
Very simply stated, more people more problems, period.
What do the council members have to gain by over riding the mayors common sense veto ?
Awww, baby Brad doesn’t get to build on his stolen land for now. Poor guy!
@9:06 BINGO!!! And with the City’s HORIZON tax sham the City will recevie NOTHING in taxes for years to come. You can thank Jake, Julia, and Andy (Randy’s righthand man) for bringing that tax sham to the City.
Good old boys are getting fatter, keep building they will come
When you have children running your government.