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DNC Finance Committee Member Calls for Audit of Kamala Harris Campaign: ‘People Became Millionaires’ (VIDEO)

Photo by Lorie Shaull

Last week, Lindy Li, a Democrat megadonor who served on the DNC finance committee, said that no one from the Kamala Harris campaign is taking responsibility for the absolutely massive amount of campaign cash that vanished into thin air in a matter of weeks.

Now, she is calling for a formal accounting of where the money went. She claims that certain individuals involved in the Harris campaign became millionaires overnight. She suggests that it was basically a case of friends taking care of other friends.

James Carville also recently called for an audit of the Harris campaign. They are both right. The Democrats are going to have a tough time raising money until people know where all this money went.


2 thoughts on “DNC Finance Committee Member Calls for Audit of Kamala Harris Campaign: ‘People Became Millionaires’ (VIDEO)”

  1. Commie Kamala knew she never had a chance at becoming President. So, she took the money and ran. someone should check her offshore accounts, I bet you’ll find some of it.

  2. Lol dont you get it yet, politics is the cover and seat of power…
    ..luciferians lie steal cheat confuse kill. The cabal wagons will circle again just like the 911 scam, bldg 7, record room at pentagon, covid, Ukraine, Haiti, Russian collusion,lgbtq, Hillary, Bill, wiener on and on with endless scams.
    I hope the GOD fearing good guys do get traction and fully expose this demonic web.

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