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The Democrat party is disintegrating, warns the New York Times—so let’s speed up the process

It should be no surprise that the New York Times is warning of “the end of the Democratic Party as we knew it”, given the last election and the movement of many to the pro-freedom side of the political spectrum, or rather the movement of the fascist far-left away from everyone else. Experience has shown this can be just a fleeting moment unless we take steps to make this permanent and relegate them to the status of a micro party — as it should be. We have it within our grasp to make them irrelevant and finally dispose of their repulsive ideology.

The Times piece offered some rather stunning admissions:

After three Trump elections, almost every traditional Democratic constituency has swung to the right. In fact, Mr. Trump has made larger gains among Black, Hispanic, Asian American and young voters in his three campaigns since 2016 than he has among white voters without a college degree, according to New York Times estimates. In each case, Mr. Trump fared better than any Republican in decades.

They openly admitted that with each erosion of their voter base, they thought they could shore up support with the ever-tiresome ‘Orange man bad’ cliches. And when that failed, they cranked it up with the age-old “Hitler” smears; then came the accusations that he was a combined version of Hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini, and even an accusation that he was the “Antichrist.” Of course, we all know that didn’t work because it’s from a worn-out, 84-year-old playbook and it was all over but the crying — literally.

The Times piece then delves into the endemic problems it’s having with its foundational precepts:

For a century, Democrats had been seen as the ‘party of the people’ — the party against powerful interests and for change.

The underlying problem for the fascist far-left is that we know the first part of that is just another lie. History teaches us that leftists are complete frauds, in that when it comes to “wealth redistribution” it always seems to end up going to the far-left ruling class.

The people are wise to the scam — perhaps it is because they’ve seen the same story repeated time after time, a leftist “man or woman of the people’ attains office and becomes rich beyond the dreams of avarice, while the people only get enough to buy their vote.

But being a party “for change” is their biggest impediment, because they kept on “changing” away from everyone else. As the Heartland Institute referenced in their assessment of socialist Candidates in the 2024 General Election:


2 thoughts on “The Democrat party is disintegrating, warns the New York Times—so let’s speed up the process”

  1. When they let Bernie in the ticket told me all I needed to know. The dems are pushing a marxist luciferian agenda …and thankfully allot of us are on to it.

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