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A Comment Worthy Of A Post

Talking about raising taxes, Julie has been meeting with Mike Dunn of the Greater Salisbury Committee and Bill Chambers of the Chamber of Commerce about ways to remove Wicomico County’s Tax Cap so that she can hire more people and spend more money!

Don’t fall for the lies when Julie says we need the County Executive position for a “balance of power.” Guess what? The 7 members of the County Council will be that balance of power! Why do you think Mike Dunn and Bill Chambers are fighting to keep the County Executive? Because it is easier to control ONE person instead of 7!! Think about this? Mike Dunn is vicariously running Wicomico County because of his control over Julie Giordano!

She is a real snake in the grass and needs to be removed from office immediately! Removing the County Executive position is a start! Vote for Question A!!

13 thoughts on “A Comment Worthy Of A Post”

  1. Elect some one else, but the executive stays ….dunn, Well that pos slumlord & historical nim wit..needs to hang his head in shame.

    1. As long as the position exists….NO good things will happen in this county….unless you mean that Mike Dunn and Bill Chambers will make money off the rest of the hard working citizens……I’m very much gonna enjoy voting FOR this ballot and getting us back to smaller, less Washington DC-style government…

  2. I don’t expect the voters to overturn the executive position this quickly…
    I do expect that queen julie will not get reelected though!
    Sadly the caliber of people willing to run is not that great to begin with!

  3. If Julie is that bad then we boot her out at her next election. Removing the position all together to get rid of someone who you do not agree with on policy is more of a liberal/progressive move, not a conservatives move.

    By removing the position all together you are nullifying the votes of those who cast a ballot in her favor. Her term should be completed and then either look at removing the position or working hard to ensure she does not get re-elected.

    That is the proper and ethical way this should be dealt with.

    1. Her term WILL be finished through 2026 regardless of the ballot…then the position is removed and we can hire an adult. Besides, with Wicomico County changing if we keep a strong unchecked executive than we could have a Jake Day type acting like a mini dictator….better to get rid of it for the sake of all the citizens….

  4. The 7 members of the county council consist of too many that are examples of the need for term limits! The corruption in that body is epic!

    Hopefully, the initiative for term limits will have enough support by the next election and we will be able to elect a new executive and a new batch of council members!

  5. The battle for smaller government starts right here, right now.
    We need the Wicomico County Tax Cap; we need smaller government. What we don’t need are hacks like Julie, Mike Dunn, the Greater Salisbury Committee and Bill Chambers of the Chamber of Commerce.
    All these Hacks have nothing else to do then build their own empires at our expense. Let’s cut the snakes head off at the ballot box.
    We have an opportunity to start putting things right, get out and vote.

  6. Get rid of the Wicomico County Executive Office for good!! It was pushed onto the taxpayers by two worthless lawyers ! Go figure! Where are these lawyers now that this Office has been a complete disaster??

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