Read this editorial at:”
Again week after week, day after day this so called “News Organization” Acts a a Biased Internet Blog / Political Propagandist for Wicomico County, MD Executive Julie Giordano. Will Eastern Shore Undercover allow a Counter Piece for Question A? Like most legitimate news organizations would.
Again Mr. Campbell tells people, one thing that he claims Eastern Shore Undercover is, but the actions of Mr. Campbell and Eastern Shore Undercover are completely different from those claims.
As the old saying goes actions speak louder than words….
This is an organization based on those actions has no business in any way being rewarded a County contract, with that includes giving it a police encrypted radio….
They blocked me because of my Conservative views
Eastern shore News sucks
Earl continually reminds everyone that Eastern Shore Undercover is his sandbox and if you can’t agree with him and his point of view he will throw you, your pail and your shovel out of his sandbox! Then, when he feels like he’s thrown too many potential friends out he forgives them all and allows them back in to play some more until they disagree with him and piss him off again…this keeps everybody guessing about just what might piss him off next which keeps people coming back to his sandbox to check him out and see what new toys he might have….very clever fella, this Earl guy!
He’ll claim that he did a poll and 99.9% of Wicomico County wants to keep Queen julie in office. Actually, when he reads this post, he may allow a counter piece to Question-A. I can hear him now: “In the spirit of transparency, blah…blah…blah”. Then all his blind faith followers can send their platitudes and prayers… LOL. Earl reminds me of “Squealer”, in George Orwell’s Animal Farm, the minister of propaganda for “Napoleon” Giordano. “Four legs good, two legs better”.
the second-hand embarrassment is strong when seeing of all the stuff ESU writes
Please boycott E. S. Undercover.
No way in Hell should SCANNER BOY get an encrypted police radio for his gossip site.
HURL Campbell is a poster child for why Megan’s Law exists……