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Yikes: Kamala’s Confused Comment About Trump Shows Why They Don’t Want Her Answering Questions

Kamala Harris proved again on Sunday why her team doesn’t seem to like having her take questions.

Usually when she’s traveling back and forth, you see her running from the car to the plane and completely blowing off the press that might be waiting there, hoping to slip in a question. But for some reason, on Sunday, the press managed to get in at least a couple of queries when she was traveling to New York.

It did not go well.

Kamala says she’ll outline her “vision for the economy” this week that will deal with “what we can create in terms of opportunity for the American people in making an opportunity economy which really is in short form it’s about what we can do more to invest in the aspirations, the ambitions, and the dreams of the American people while addressing the challenges that they face, whether it’s the high price of groceries or the difficulty in being able to acquire home ownership [unintelligible].”

Huh, what?

So let’s examine that word salad.

First, the high prices of groceries and the difficulty of homeownership are because of legislation she voted for with her tie-breaking vote in the Senate. That’s on her. She can’t run away from it; she drove inflation up. So she hasn’t just not made it better while she’s been in office all this time, she’s actively made it worse.

Then she’s been running away from all her old radical remarks. But here she can’t help but let the attitude slip through. Government — to her — is about “investment” (translate: spending taxpayer dollars) in “aspirations, ambitions and the dreams of the American people.” Um, no. The government is NOT supposed to be “providing” for me, it’s supposed to get out of my way so I can provide for myself. It is supposed to be “providing for the common defense,” i.e., things like protecting the country and our borders, which she has failed to do. Spending more by promising freebies to get elected doesn’t solve inflation, it makes it worse. But either she doesn’t understand that, or she can’t keep her socialistic aspects in check.


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