The city of Frederick, Maryland, has granted non-citizens the right to vote in local elections.
The move by the city makes Frederick the largest municipality in the state to allow non-citizens to vote.
On Thursday night, the Board of Alderman voted 4-1 to grant green card holders and illegal immigrants the right to vote in local elections.
Under the new rule, illegal immigrants and green card holders must only prove they reside in Frederick to vote.
The move by the Alderman board comes after receiving pressure from the ACLU and illegal immigrants residing in Frederick.
Throw these politicians out of office.
Sickening and disgusting! So the Alderman board, whom one would hope consists of legal American citizens, buckles from pressure from the ACLU and criminal invaders of the United States. Beware of the ACLU, an anti American organization. This is all a part of the Democrats plan to obtain votes.
This is 100% ILLEGAL !!!!
Arrest the people that are making this happen now.
Does “illegal” mean “not allowed”?
If something is illegal, the law says that it is not allowed.
illegal : a person who enters or lives in a country without the documentation required for legal entry or residence
Having a Green Card (officially known as a Permanent Resident Card (PDF, 1.69 MB) allows you to live and work permanently in the United States
What part of the meaning of ” Illegal ” don’t these people understand.
Bowing down to the ACLU is just shameful.
You can call them, illegal aliens, illegal immigrants, illegal migrants, but there is one thing that all these descriptions have in common, ILLEGAL !!!!
Frederick wants to be in Montgomery County, or bring it with them. It’s no longer a sleepy farm market town.
I’m so sick of this treasonous behavior. They are not allowed to vote since it is already against the law. Having a board say it’s ok does not change the law. Throw them all in jail for openly trying to circumvent our laws.
I don’t recognize my Maryland any more. We used to be the Land of Pleasant Living….now it’s the land of criminal invasion and take over
Isn’t it just common knowledge that illegals can’t vote in our country? Why is it even discussed??? It’s illegal and we can’t dare let any illegal cast one vote!!! NO!!!
Salisbury use to have only 300 Haitians
But, under O’BIDEN, the Haitians population has grown to 7 thousand in Salisbury
Worse yet, the Car Store is financing the Haitians mortgages
If true, I’d like to know who is paying The Car Store? Even if they are owned by foaming-at-the-mouth-libtards, they want that payday!
Is Frederick MD Republican or Democrat?
Democratic strength is mostly concentrated in the City of Frederick, while the suburban and rural areas of the county lean more Republican. ( democratic city, that says a lot )
In 2017, Democrat Michael O’Connor was elected mayor of Frederick.
Frederick has a board of aldermen of six members (one of whom is the mayor) that serves as its legislative body. Elections are held every four years. Following the elections on November 2, 2021, Kelly Russell, Donna Kuzemchak, Derek Shackelford, Katie Nash, and Ben MacShane, all Democrats, were elected to the board. Democrat Michael O’Connor was re-elected mayor.
If I was an illegal alien, the last thing on my mind would be ” hey, I need the right to vote ” . But since the city is run by democrats, it does not surprise me. Give an illegal alien a voting form that is filled out for them.
Wasn’t / isn’t the City of Frederick one of the places that was offering like $20k or $40k to move there ? I seem to remember something that was written about it not to long ago. ( was posted on this site )
That was Cumberland
I can see why it is written that militias are needed to protect us from this sort of thing.
The top owner of the Car Store is the biggest “legal crook” around………..Meaning he is so very crooked but has enough money, friend lawyers and just enough loopholes to keep him out of jail.