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Fine dining restaurant getting closer to reality at former Cowboy Coast property in Ocean City

The founder of a popular Ocean City restaurant said he is hoping to bring a fine dining establishment to the former Cowboy Coast property by next summer.

Last Wednesday, Spain Wine Bar founder Peter Elias told members of the Worcester County Board of License Commissioners (BLC) that design work continues at the Philadelphia Avenue property. While the board had approved a license transfer last December, he said it was unlikely that the restaurant would open until next year.

“My hope is to have everything done and maybe go for permits in late fall …,” he said, “and hopefully start construction and launch early next summer.”

Last year, Elias presented the BLC with his plans to take over two local establishments – the former Whiskers facility in Ocean Pines and the Cowboy Coast in Ocean City. At the Ocean Pines property, Elias plans to open a Lebanese-centric restaurant – named Sand and Cedar Taverna – with a menu prepared by renowned chefs. And in Ocean City, the operator plans to transform the old nightclub into a fine dining restaurant with special event space.

“We’re not just providing a meal, we’re focusing on curating a unique experience,” Elias told the board at the time. “This is a restaurant I want to focus on a James Beard [award] or something even more down the road.”


3 thoughts on “Fine dining restaurant getting closer to reality at former Cowboy Coast property in Ocean City”

  1. A freakin’ Lebanese restaurant in Ocean Pines? What bonehead came up with that idea? Good luck with that – don’t be surprised at all when it fails.

    1. Open up your culinary palate. There are more tasty foods around than just burgers, pizza and chicken. ( chain restaurants ) Give them a chance to open and than give them a try. Don’t be so close minded. You just might be surprised.
      Eat local, support local.

      1. 9:46 – Lebanese restaurant in OP? Look, Vinnie’s over there is barely making profit. Let’s put down a middle eastern restaurant in ultra conservative ocean pines and see how it does. Better off to put the Lebanese restaurant in OC, and the fine dining in the pines. I could see that working better than this. My prediction will be the place will go under inside of six months. Don’t go boo boo when I told ya so.

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