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The American Left’s Greatest Evil

Leftism is not so much an ideology as it is a purpose or a means to an end.  Its goal is totalitarian power over the masses, and it will use any method necessary to accomplish it.  Its most prominent feature is its utter amorality.  This comes from its atheistic roots, and nothing is off limits; there are no boundaries to achieving its aim of power.  It uses Marxism, which is an ideology, but like Hitler, it will also employ democracy if and when necessary.  Different Leftist governments will implement different strategies to attain their ultimate aspiration of total global power.

Power can be obtained, as in the Soviet Union and Communist China, by sheer, brute force, and at some point, in every Leftist, totalitarian regime, that becomes necessary because people want freedom.  But, given the American system, brute force has had limited utility. Thus, Democrats must use something else, a more subtle means to usher in the government domination they crave.  I want to examine one major difference between Leftism in America and Leftism in China, viz., attitudes towards the nuclear family, and examine the different approaches to gaining totalitarian power.

The destruction of the family wasn’t, and hasn’t been, necessary in China, and may have been impossible, given the strong Confucian heritage of the country.  What the CCP did was cower the country into total obedience through overwhelming force, mainly mass murder.  The numbers will never be definitively known, but since Mao Zedong ascended to power in 1949, the CCP has probably murdered over 100,000,000 people.  Mao’s numbers are estimated at between 60 and 70 million, and with the millions of forced abortions under the “one-child policy,” along with Uyghurs, Tibetans, organ harvesting, Covid, etc., the count is staggering and makes Hitler and Stalin look like inept bunglers when it came to killing people.

It would be very difficult to destroy the family in China.  Recently, I was talking to a 16-year-old Chinese student who I am helping to learn English.  A question arose about how he chooses his friends, especially what he likes in girls.  He told me, “I like a pretty girl, but most important is her family background.”  When I asked him what he meant by that, he said, “She must have a father and mother; she is normal,” and that is the exact word he used—“normal.”  The Chinese understand, and always have, that a true family, a “normal” family, consists of a male father and a female mother, together raising their children.  Men and women are different; they complement each other and bring certain advantages to child-rearing.  Ideally, as mothers, women are more emotional and bring tenderness to child-raising that men do not possess.  With their physical and emotional strength, men provide protection for the mother and children, as well as sustenance and discipline for the family.   Thus, together, fathers and mothers “civilize,” through education and restraint, the next generation of citizens in a country.  The Chinese understand, historically and inherently, that if you take away a mother’s tenderness or a father’s strength, the child will often not be “normal”. There will be an imbalance in their development as they will lack a vital component that either their father or mother can provide for them.


1 thought on “The American Left’s Greatest Evil”

  1. Why can’t the democratic voters see the big picture of what they are actually voting for ? The agenda of the leftist in power is total control, not the freedom we are used to and that so many have died for. Common folks, open your eyes and look at where this country is heading.

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