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What’s ahead: America or Amerika?

by Joe David

The threats to eliminate President Donald Trump began when he descended the escalators at Trump Towers in 2015 to announce his candidacy for President. During the subsequent years following his entrance to politics, anarchistic leaders on the left did everything possible to disrupt his political successes. They spewed vitriolic hate, called him a Hitler, and even recommended his “elimination.” To complicate his work as President, they even tossed all types of roadblocks in his way.

During this exchange, the Democratic political establishment merely observed and justified the left’s lawlessness with indifference (i.e., the burning and looting of America’s cities, and much, much more). On the flip side, 34 members of the former President’s Make America Great Again (MAGA) crowd were subjected to unthinkable and hellish conditions in a Washington, DC jail. Their crime: they participated in a “capitol attack” (on January 6, 2021) in which no crime worthy of punishment was committed by the huge, generally peaceful crowd of protestors. These protestors were at the Capitol to voice their opinion for what they believed was the blatant theft of the presidency by the Biden crowd. The protestors who attempted to excite disorder were allegedly professional rioters who sought to turn the incident into a major riot. Fortunately, the rioters failed; regrettably, they escaped charges.

By condemning a peaceful protest but by tolerating the aggressive destruction of Democratic-run cities, the political elite, specifically the Democratic Party, were revealing to America’s enemies, including China and Russia, that the country was ripe for civil war. On Saturday, July 13, 2024, in farm country in Butler, Pennsylvania, a pastoral area in middle-class America, near Pittsburgh, a 20-year-old man, seemingly of no consequence, supposedly without assistance, hatched a plot to kill the former President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, because he was believed to be a threat to democracy, and he dared to run again for President supported by a strong populace.

Was it a setup?

In all likelihood, the young man (the “stooge”) wasn’t alone in the scheme. Too many “coincidences” (from insufficient security protection for the former President to a slow response of action against the “stooge”) indicated that it was.

The bullet that grazed former President Trump’s ear during his talk in Butler, Pennsylvania, could have blown off his head and could have changed permanently America’s direction, if the former President hadn’t turned his head. It is difficult to predict what would have followed if the shooter (or a back-up shooter?) were successful. Explosives were found in the young man’s car parked nearby which were ready to be detonated by phone. If things went according to plan, it could have caused pandemonium with the huge crowd who gathered at the site to hear the former President. But good fortune occurred (“divine intervention”?)  and Mr. Trump turned his head at the right moment, and he was saved from losing his skull.

Thirteen days later after the former President was shot, on July 24, 2024, American and Canadian airspace was about to be violated by Russian and Chinese bomber jets. The actual intent of this bold maneuver hasn’t been clarified, but it

If those bombers weren’t intercepted by the Norther American Aerospace Defense Command and the bombers did strike their targets, it could have resulted in a very bloody and painful take-over with the support of millions of ground troops strategically placed throughout the country to assure success. Those ground troops are most likely the millions of unvetted aliens that the Border Czar Kamala Harris and “President” Joe Biden allowed to enter our open southern border and bus and airlift across the country. Fortunately, the mission failed – this time!

Next time, we may not be so fortunate. After collecting tactical information from a balloon tour of U.S. military bases and other important sites in 2023, an act which the Biden Administration tolerated, plus the selling of crucial classified wouldn’t be too hard to believe that if Plan A (the assassination of Mr. Trump) failed, then Plan B needed to be executed.

Rebekah Koffler, a strategic military intelligence analyst and author of “Putin’s Playbook” told Fox News Digital, that she believes “Putin and Xi are likely strategic messaging to Washington by this action that they (Russia and China) will escalate their geopolitical confrontation with the United States during what they perceive as a vulnerable period for America.”

information to our enemies by top government sources, anything could happen next.

The evil footprint of America’s enemies has been clearly left on the minds of the world to see. If an attack ever becomes successful, it will be goodbye former President Trump and America and hello Amerika.

2 thoughts on “What’s ahead: America or Amerika?”

  1. And your dumbass liberal friends and family are too busy watching CNN and The View to even notice! It’s time to get in their faces and make them very uncomfortable. Cutesy time is over!!!

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