It’s déjà vu all over again.
The sitting Democrat president is in deep trouble. The economy is in bad shape. The world is in chaos because of the president’s foreign policies. Crime and violence are rampant on America’s streets. The Democrat Party is bitterly divided, with the left wing of the party strongly protesting the incumbent president. A prominent third-party candidate is running, making a stand in the ideological middle of the two major party candidates. The Republicans are running a tough and experienced national candidate.
And then the sitting, unpopular Democrat President steps down from his re-election campaign.
Is it 2024? Or is it 1968?
As I said before, when comparing the 2024 Presidential election to those of 1968 and 1980, the Democrats would be better off if they jettisoned their unpopular president and replaced him with another candidate. I came to this conclusion by simply comparing what happened in 1980, when incumbent President Jimmy Carter got crushed by Ronald Reagan, to what occurred in 1968, when incumbent Vice President Hubert Humphrey barely lost to Richard Nixon (in the popular vote) after incumbent President Johnson chose not run for re-election.
The Democrats have just followed my advice. Partly. (I counseled them to choose someone else, like Governor Gavin Newsom (CA), who is even more dissociated from the Biden administration.)