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BREAKING: Mark Halperin: Biden to Drop Out of Race as Early as Sunday, Won’t Endorse Kamala Harris – Open Convention.. and More!

Mark Halperin is now reporting that Joe Biden is going to drop out of the 2024 presidential race as early as Sunday.

Powerful Democrats such as Barack Obama, Chuck Schumer and Hakeem Jeffries are all doubting Biden’s viability.

Chuck Schumer and Hakeem Jeffries are now working behind the scenes to sabotage Joe Biden.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries quietly convinced the DNC to delay its presidential nomination vote.


5 thoughts on “BREAKING: Mark Halperin: Biden to Drop Out of Race as Early as Sunday, Won’t Endorse Kamala Harris – Open Convention.. and More!”

  1. How can these high positioned dimocrat officials turn against biden now? They have been up his ass for the last 4 years claiming how great a job he is doing. Now that the public has seen how stupid he was in the debate on national television, they want to cut him lose. He has not changed, he was a senile idiot before the 2020 election and they knew it then, that’s why they kept him out of the publics eye and having very very few rallies. If the public hadn’t seen him make a fool of himself they would be supporting him 100% no matter what he says or does. The dims have cornered themselves with no way out. Kennedy was their best option and they blew him off. Now they have zero chance of even a close race. That’s ok, at this point the country will be better off because of their stupidity.

  2. I’ll believe this when I see it. I predict that Biden will stay in the race. This is because he has the DNC/Democrats dead to rights as there is no doubt that he knows about all of their back room, secret deals and actions. All he has to do is nothing. We have to remember that he sees himself having to stay in office to pardon family/friends as well as himself before he leaves office.

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