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Black churches sell their souls for floundering Democrats like Joe Biden

No one can serve two masters, the Bible tells us, yet many black churches actively avoid practicing what they preach by welcoming floundering Democratic politicians into the sanctuary.

This campaign season, as President Biden and his party face a potential electoral beat-down, expect the most corrupt churches to transform into brothels — pimping out the holy pulpit to the politician of the moment to spread a campaign agenda instead of God’s word.

Just this month, Biden once again played Democrat “john,” paying handsomely to penetrate the ears of a black Christian congregation for political gain.

The president visited Mount Airy Church of God in Philadelphia, a predominantly black church, on July 7 as he tried to improve his faltering poll numbers amongst black voters a week after his humiliating debate failure.

These black churches are all too willing to politicize God in exchange for fleeting acknowledgment from the Democratic power structure.

And when Democrats are mired in scandal, dropping in the polls or trying to crawl back into office, predominantly black churches and black religious figures enthusiastically bless them and gravitate to their secular power.


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