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The Youth Are Abandoning the Democrat Party in Droves, Gravitating Toward the Republicans

In a surprising twist, the demographic once firmly considered to be in the Democrat Party’s camp has now gravitated to the right. According to new polling, the youth are no longer ridin’ with Biden, to the point where more of them are favoring voting in Republicans than Democrats.

As reported by Newsweek, the National Public Opinion Reference Survey (NPORS) published by Pew Research found that people under 30 are abandoning the Democrat Party and have given Republicans a very slim lead in their demographic:

The NPORS found that, among all respondents, 47 percent said they were Republican or leaned Republican, while 46 percent said they were Democrats or leaned toward the Democrats.

The poll was conducted from February 1 to June 10 among 5,626 U.S. adults.

Analysts were quick to point to the detailed figures regarding party affiliation among young people.

“By subgroup, the headline is age,” The New York Times’ chief political analyst Nate Cohn wrote on X, formerly Twitter.

“NPORS found the GOP ahead on leaned party ID among 18 to 29 year olds, even though the sample was Biden+20 on 2020 recall vote. The sample size is fairly large (n=496) and it hasn’t shown anything like this in previous cycles,” Cohn added.

Cohn remarked on X that Democrats still hold an edge when it comes to non-white voters, but this is also a declining trend.

“There were fewer shifts by race, though the Dem share of major party leaning nonwhite voters kept edging downward, from 68 to 65%. They did show a GOP edge among registered nonvoters,” he said.


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