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Time’s Up: Biden Won’t Withdraw, He Can’t Be Removed, and His Reelection Appears Sunk

Two weeks. We’ve had two weeks since Joe Biden’s disastrous debate performance. Normally, a debate sustains a news cycle for a few days. But Biden’s performance was so bad, his obvious mental decline so apparent, that the media just can’t let it go.

To be fair, we on the right have not let it go since his basement campaign in 2020. But the media has suddenly had their eyes opened and the veil lifted. They see now what they were too un-curious to see before: Biden is a man in decline.

The problem for the Democrats is that, when it comes to seeking another candidate, time is up. The ideal time was during the primary, when they could have found an acceptable challenger to the president, or encouraged Kamala Harris to run as his successor while persuading him to secure his legacy by being a one-and-done president. That time has long since passed, and now that the primaries are over and Biden has a ton of delegates and millions of Democratic voters under his belt, they can’t pull a fast one and replace him. The party fighting the so-called “threat to democracy” can’t go in and undermine the democratic process now.

The only chance they have is for Biden to step aside himself, doing so voluntarily and with grace. It is an option that is clearly off the table, considering his letter to Congressional Democrats earlier this week. But, as it stands, Biden is the only person who can remove Biden at this point. And even if he were to do so, there are a myriad of problems with that decision. For one thing, if Kamala doesn’t succeed him then his millions in campaign cash can’t be used by whoever the Democratic candidate is. For another, no one has a built-in national organization that is ready to go.


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