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Confirmed: FBI security clearances suspended for agents’ wrong beliefs

Targeted are ‘agents it believes hold conservative political views’

A new whistleblower, this one a Democrat, has pulled back the curtain on the extent of corruption within the FBI, confirming that agents’ security clearances were suspended for having the wrong beliefs.

Those would include the wrong political beliefs, the wrong medical beliefs or even the ethnicity views of the agent, according to reports.

A report from the Daily Signal explained Tristan Leavitt, chief of Empower Oversight, told Congress on behalf of the whistleblower, “The client—a registered Democrat—witnessed firsthand as an SSA [supervisory special agent] how the FBI’s Security Division improperly suspended or revoked employees’ security clearances whose political views, medical views, or even ethnicity were questioned by Security Division leadership.”

Just the News reported the whistleblower is an FBI supervisor.


1 thought on “Confirmed: FBI security clearances suspended for agents’ wrong beliefs”

  1. So what? Nobody is gonna do anything about it. This will be my last comment. I am just gonna put my head back in the sand while I still have one. I have to remain sane for the sake of my grandchildren. They are gonna need their pop pop to protect them from what is coming.

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