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LGBTQ Activists Fear Being Ignored During Debate

LGBTQ activists warn they will feel slighted if President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump ignore them during Thursday night’s debate.

“This will be an enormous slight to our community if LGBTQ questions are not asked during this debate,” lamented Sarah Kate Ellis, president and CEO of the advocacy organization GLAAD. “Our community is deeply affected by where these candidates stand.”

Ellis used a letter to press CNN moderators Dana Bash and Jake Tapper to plead to be noticed and ask the 2024 presidential aspirants about their past statements and policies.

heir respective plans to “advance the rights” of LGBTQ people if they are elected in November should also be part of the dialogue to ensure the sensibilities of the LGBTQ community are not ignored.


7 thoughts on “LGBTQ Activists Fear Being Ignored During Debate”

  1. Why don’t you just cry a river. What about these people and their communities : Blacks, Asian, Jewish, Native Americans and so on. Does the lgbt community think they are better than everybody else and should get special mention ? I don’t thing so there Skippy. These other ” communities ” don’t have a special flag to fly around. They don’t have sides of buildings painted in “special” colors. They don’t have cross walks painted in “special” colors.
    We all live in this country under the same flag. The Stars and Bars, Old Glory if you will. We all live under the laws and protection that the United States of America flag brings us. Modern day America does not stone, kill, torture people based on their culture, race or believes. While the United States of America is far from perfect, ” We the People ” have more rights and freedom than just about any other country on this earth. If you dont like it here, here’s what you can do : get a passport, select a country of you choosing, pack your bags and move.

  2. “advance the rights”? Why, they have the same rights as any other citizen of the United States. Why do they feel the need to “advance the rights” of their own? Is it not good enough for them to have the same rights as everybody else? See, this is what happens when groups of people want to be heard about their “cause”, and nobody listens. If someone wants to accept your lifestyle, that’s great. If they don’t, too bad, that’s their “right”, don’t try to force it on them by “advancing the rights” !!

  3. Wow!

    Look at me! Look at me! You have to pay attention to me!

    America has much bigger problems than the alphabet people’s mental health issues.

  4. Homosexuals need to come to the realization that their abnormal lifestyle and deviant behavior will never be accepted by the majority of normal human beings.

  5. We all try to ignore you! Live your weird lifestyle if you insist, but don’t expect normal people to cater to your whims.

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