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Former CNN employee spills the beans on how CNN’s debate rules benefit Biden: ‘That’s a good thing for Biden’

The first debate between Biden and Trump takes place on June 27.

Former CNN political analyst Chris Cillizza believes that CNN’s rules for the upcoming presidential debate are skewed to help President Joe Biden.

On Saturday, CNN announced the rules for the June 27 debate, including: muted microphones, commercial breaks, no live audience, no opening statements, and no use of pre-written notes.

Previous presidential debates, traditionally hosted by the bipartisan Commission on Presidential Debates, featured live audiences and did not mute candidates’ microphones.

Cillizza said he is “surprised” Trump’s campaign agreed to the rules because, in his view, they benefit Biden.

Muted microphones

To limit interruptions, CNN will only unmute the microphone of the candidate whose turn it is to speak.

It’s not clear how CNN plans to enforce this rule — whether the moderators will manually control the microphones or if an offstage producer will toggle the on/off switches — but Cillizza believes this rule clearly helps Biden.

“I don’t love it from a debate perspective, but from a, ‘Who does this benefit?’ perspective, it clearly benefits Biden,” he said.

“If you go back and look at the debates they had — they had two in 2020 between Biden and Trump — Trump just talks and talks and talks and talks, and that’s true in 2016, too. Like, he just over and over and over and over again — just talks,” Cillizza added. “I do think it helps Biden because I think Trump just tries to get you off your pace, off your rhythm, off your game just by talking and talking and talking.”

Commercial breaks


3 thoughts on “Former CNN employee spills the beans on how CNN’s debate rules benefit Biden: ‘That’s a good thing for Biden’”

  1. Trump will exit the debate smelling like a rose. Everything the enemy does to hold Trump down backfires on them and they look like the stupid ones.

  2. Unless Biden has an ear wig so his people can tell him what to say, he will be his usual self and look like the decrepit old man he is. Pay attention if all of a sudden he becomes brilliant during this debate.

  3. How is this going to benefit Biden ? no opening statements, and no use of pre-written notes. Hell, Biden can’t read a teleprompter let alone try to read hand written notes. Who’s going to translate for Biden when he goes off the deep end and starts to uncontrollably babble ? Who’s going to take him on and off the stage ?
    Biden is doomed !!!!

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