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Governor Moore’s Statement On The Protection Of Mifepristone Access By The U.S. Supreme Court

ANNAPOLIS, MD — Governor Wes Moore released the following statement following the ruling on Mifepristone from the U.S. Supreme Court:

“Mifepristone has served as a safe and effective healthcare option since the FDA approved two-dose medication for abortions more than 20 years ago for more than 5 million people.

Today’s unanimous ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court is a win for reproductive rights. Attempts to restrict access to mifepristone were not based on scientific or legal justification, but political motivation to dismantle women’s rights to make decisions for their own healthcare.

Let me be clear: reproductive freedom is non-negotiable. Though today’s ruling is a necessary step in the right direction, over a dozen states still have near-total abortion plans in place. Maryland will remain vigilant, continuing to stand proudly with other states to protect reproductive rights and ensure that Maryland remains a safe haven for abortion and reproductive healthcare access.”

4 thoughts on “Governor Moore’s Statement On The Protection Of Mifepristone Access By The U.S. Supreme Court”

  1. Abortion is a luciferian ideal, that’s how I see it
    it’s not a right
    Nor is it right
    As always maryland democrats kneeling at Satan’s alter once again!

  2. Les Worst is a Soros puppet and so will parrot the Soros/Dem/Commie line pushing murder of the unborn in any way, shape or form up to moment of birth. So his holding forth (froth?) on the topic was expected and his blather followed form. Let’s retire him at next election.

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