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Opposing Parental Rights Is Not Only About Control, It’s About “Queering” Your Child

I rarely admit when I have missed an important part of an issue I am writing about. I work hard to research information and develop my ideas. But occasionally it happens. In March I wrote this article:

It’s a good article when it comes to giving different perspectives on the denial of parental rights, except I missed one thing.

I have been reading the book THE QUEERING OF THE AMERICAN CHILD- How a New School Religious Cult Poisons the Minds and Bodies of Normal Kids by Logan Lancing with James Lindsay. It’s a difficult book to read because there is so much information about what “Queer Theory**” is, how it began, and why it is promoted. However, it is a book that answers the questions about WHY school systems, federal and state agencies, teachers’ unions all seem so intent on forgoing common sense, logic and scientific fact to promote the hideous agenda of “queer activists.” It also explores why normal people seem content to turn a blind eye to this agenda.

One of the most alarming facts about the queering of schools is that it has been going on for approximately thirty years.


2 thoughts on “Opposing Parental Rights Is Not Only About Control, It’s About “Queering” Your Child”

  1. ““Parental rights” is code for child abuse.”

    OOOOOHHHHH….so edgy! So contrary! What a brave soul!. You sound like the same dope who wrote that “religious mandates are unconstituional”……

    You probably think all homeschoolers are subjects to the whims of their evil, fundementalist parents, whereas those good, holy, noble public school teachers would never do anything untoward like molest the kids or suggest to vunerable children that they can multilate their genitalia with no consequences.

    You, you little miserable little impotent worm, have no rights over other people’s children.

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