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Report: Donald Trump Eyes DOJ, FBI Purge upon Reelection

Former President Donald Trump will purge the administrative state by firing career bureaucrats from the DOJ and the FBI if he wins reelection, nine people involved in the effort told Reuters.

Trump repeatedly vowed to drain the administrative state or “deep state,” as he termed it, upon returning to office.

The term “administrative state” specifically describes the phenomenon of unaccountable and unelected administrative agencies, including the national security apparatus, exercising power to create and enforce their own rules. The administrative state uses its rule-making ability or raw power to essentially usurp the separation of powers between the three branches of government by creating a so-called fourth branch of government not formed by the Constitution.

Trump’s reported focus on overhauling the DOJ is predicated on his belief that career bureaucrats inside the administrative state improperly target conservatives, conservative groups, or conservative ideals with the help of the national security state or intelligence apparatus. Trump’s contention is buoyed by significant reporting on various controversies, such as the coronavirus, the Russia hoax, and the “laptop from hell.”


1 thought on “Report: Donald Trump Eyes DOJ, FBI Purge upon Reelection”

  1. It needs to be pretty much every SES and GS-12 and above in the Federal Government. The SES and high-ranking Civil-Servants can slow-roll any policy change to the point of it never having existed.

    Start by cutting every “Assistant” and “Deputy” and make the actual person do the job. This will slash the cost-basis and improve throughput immensely!

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