The lawyer revealed how you should approach the seemingly innocent question if you get pulled over by the police
A lawyer has highlighted the one thing you shouldn’t ever answer under any circumstances if you get pulled over – and it might not be what you expect.
It makes perfect sense, but a lot of people can feel nervous when they’re pulled over to the side of the road by the police.
Known as @tiktokstreetlawyer on TikTok, he frequently shares English law and legal advice for those living in the UK, so that we can protect ourselves and be aware of our rights.
The viral video has amassed over 1.3 million views on the social media app, where he explains exactly what the question is, and what you should do to protect yourself.
“Here’s a question you should never answer in a million years without knowing the suspected offence you are accused of,” he begins to say in the clip.
Believe it or not, it’s nothing to do with drinking or hiding things in your boot, it’s something that may seem a lot more harmless than that.
He reveals: “It’s the one where you get stopped by police in your car and the officer asks you: ‘Do you know why I pulled you over?'”
It seems innocent enough but this lawyer wants you to think twice about guessing the correct response ‘unless you are a Jedi mind reader’
Simple. Do a Sgt. Shutlz- “I know nothing”
“Because you think I’m hot and you wanted to know who I am and where I live”? Probably not, but worth a try.