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Worcester lawmakers discuss tourism, RV, alcohol and cigarette tax bills

Eastern Shore lawmakers have remained busy as amendments related to economic competitiveness move through the Maryland General Assembly.

This week, three fiscal bills supported by Del. Wayne Hartman (R-38C) were heard.

Tourism bill

House Bill 1281, Economic Development—Tourism Zones—Designation and Benefits, was heard by the Ways and Means Committee on Feb. 29.

The legislation would give municipalities and counties the authority to declare tourism sectors and create tax exemptions from admission fees for businesses that engage in vacation-related activities, such as amusement parks, in the designated areas.

The proposed tourism act would also allow local zones to give property tax credits to qualifying enterprises, incentivizing businesses to open up or expand in the selected spot. Hartman said the bill has faced zero opposition and is supported by the Maryland Tourism Coalition.

Economic Competitiveness Act

Senate Bill 923 was heard before the Senate Budget and Taxation Committee on Feb. 28. The proposed law, also called the Economic Competitiveness Act of 2024, would decrease the State corporate income tax from 8.25% to 6.25% over five taxable years. Hartman is a strong advocate for the legislation.

“I’m concerned Maryland is becoming less appealing to businesses looking for a location to call home,” he said.

RV displays

Last week, the House Environment and Transportation heard Senate Bill 60,  Worcester County Motor Home and Recreational Trailer Shows—Out-of-State Dealers.

The bill would allow non-Maryland RV sellers to attend shows and display their products in Worcester County, particularly at the Ocean City Convention Center.

The law stipulates that no deposit is to be collected. However, it provides Marylanders interested in purchasing an RV with additional options. According to Hartman, approximately ten Delaware dealerships are closer to Worcester County than the nearest Maryland vendor.

The bill was introduced in the 2023 session, yet faces no resistance this year. Supporters are hopeful it will pass.

Hartman also emphasizes the economic benefit of an enhanced Ocean City RV show, as sellers would spend their money at the town’s restaurants, hotels, and attractions.

Alcohol and cigarette taxes


3 thoughts on “Worcester lawmakers discuss tourism, RV, alcohol and cigarette tax bills”

  1. As a smoker I haven’t bought a pack or carton of cigarettes in Md in years. And buy most of my beer in Delaware. Guess we are lucky to be so close in this area.

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